Letter: A letter to a Friend ( Informal) Letter

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3 years ago

Grundtvig International Secondary School,

P.O. Box 275,


Anambra state.

I2th May, 2020.

Dear Bosco,

It’s definitely been a while since my last letter right? I’m really sorry bro, I’ve been very busy lately trying to learn about politics. That’s my dream course you know. I heard you were for a prefect ship post in your school! Bosco, the Bosco, you continue to be the greatest man this side of the Niger.

In response to your previous letter, I am writing to inform you that I intend to study political science in the university. Laugh all you want, but venturing into politics has been my dream since primary school, and I decided to take it up as a course in my ss 1. I believe I am well suited to not only study the course, but to occupy a seat of power in our country. Why?

To begin with I am academically qualified to study this course. The educational system in Grundtvig is fantastic and I’ve acquired a lot of knowledge on the government, laws and customs of this country; at least at the basic levels that secondary school education can provide. Combined with a solid tertiary education, I’ll be intellectually sound and up to the task.

In addition, I don’t mean to blow my own horn, but I believe I possess strong leadership skills. I have occupied the position of the class monitor and captain of my house football team for over three years now, and I have performed excellently in the both. I was also nominated for the social prefect in my school. This not only shows the trust teachers and students have in my leadership skills but also the great relationship I share with them, for them to consider me for that post.

Finally, I a diehard patriot of our country, Nigeria. I believe I have the capacity to produce a great impact in our country be it economically, globally and in every other ramification-so help me God.

Now you have seen what I have in store, you will have to concur with my choice. You never told me why you changed and decided to study medicine. You’ll have a lot to write in your next letter. Extend my greetings to your family members. Stay safe bro.

Yours sincerely,


This was one of the many interesting articles I wrote in my Secondary school.

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