Le Subjonctif

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Que signifie le subjonctif? ( What is the subjunctive?)

Le français exprime son état d’âme( state of mind). Le verbe qui suit cette expression qui se rapport à son état d’âme, se met au subjonctif. Par exemple : l’ expression de la crainte, de l’obligation, du surprise, du doute, de la volonté, de l’incertitude, de l’ordre, de la nécessité etc.

The subjunctive is a verb form that is used in certain circumstances to express some sort of feeling, or to show there is doubt about whether something will happen, whether something is true, to show surprise, wish, order or necessity.

Le subjonctif est utilisé après quelques constructions ( impersonnels constructions) qui exprime la nécessité, la probabilité. It is used after certain impersonal constructions that express necessity or probability etc Par exemples

( a) Il faut que … it is necessary that…

(b) Il est nécessaire que … It is necessary that …

(c) Il est possible que … It is possible that …

(d) Il est dommage que … Il is a pity that …

(e) Il vaut mieux que … It is better that …

(f) Il semble que … It seems that …etc

From all indications,” le subjonctif” is always introduced by the word “ que”

La Formation du subjonctif

1. For “er” verbs : parler, regarder, écouter etc.

To form the stem of the subjunctive, you take the infinitive and chop off “ er” just as for the present tense. Then you add the correct endings, depending on the pronoun you are using. For - “er” verbs, the endings are the same as for the ordinary present tense, apart from the “nous” and “ vous” forms, which have an extra”i”.


Pronoun Ending Add to stem

e.g parle-


Je (j’) -e Je parle I speak

Tu -es Tu parles You speak





Il parle

EIle parle

On parle He/she/it/one speaks

Nous -ions Nous parlions We speak

Vous -iez Vous parliez You speak


Elles -ent

Ils parlent

Elles parlent They speak

Ex 1. Il est nécessaire qu’il parle. ( It is necessary that he speaks. )

2. Il faut que nous parlions. ( We need to speak .)

3. Il vaut mieux que tu restes chez toi. ( It is better that you stay at home )

Please remember that it is always introduced by “que “  

2. For “ir”verbs : finir, sortir, partir, venir etc.

To form the stem, you take the infinitive and chop off “–ir” Then you add the correct endings.

Pronouns Ending Add to stem, e.g fin- Meaning

Je ( j) -isse Je finisse I finish

Tu -isses Tu finisses You finish





Il finisse

Elle finisse

On finisse He/she/it/one finishes

Nous -issions Nous finissions We finish

Vous -issiez Vous finissiez You finish


Elles -issent

Ils finissent

Elles finissent They finish

Please note that, “ Je “ changes to” J’ “ in front of a word starting with a vowel, most words starting with “ h “, and the French word “ y “

Exemples; 1. Il faut que tu viennes à l’heure. ( You have to come on time )

2. Il est nécessaire qu’il sorte. ( It is necessary that he leaves )

3. Il vaut mieux qu’ils finissent l’examen. ( It is better that they finish the examination.)

Please, remember that we still have “ re” verbs and irregular verbs. It will be done bit by bit, to avoid confusion.


Please I want you to notice that Elles, Ils all mean THEY. For example look at this example Ils Mangent, this means they eat.

Je- I

Tu- you

Il- he

elle- her

Nous- we

Vous- it also means We

Ils- They

Elles- They

This is the translation of all these words in English. They are are pronouns just like we have in English.

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