Accept the change.

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Written by
2 years ago
Hello everyone,
   21:25, December 10, 2021

We all are already living in the post modernisation era, why? because it is well all around us and we all have accepted the changes in our lives and adopted new things according to the environments requirement but what if I ask you, does living in the post modernisation era have really changed all our mindset, thoughts or stereotypes too?

To an extent yes but there always exist exception everywhere, someone very greatly said world does not rule out without exception which therefore implies that there who have old generation mindset.

Before going into the topic I'd like to tell a story.

There were two shopkeepers 'Shyam' and 'Ratan' both run the general store and Shyam was the kind who also was trying to get updated with the new changes in the market like new technologies which could help him with running his shop like digital ledger for updating the dues of people in his phone and also he took interest in insuring his shop while, Ratan was the shopkeeper who used to run his shop with just old mindset ( mentioning dues in register ), thinking that insurance of shop will just put extra burden on him.

One day unfortunately both their shops cought fire due to electrocution and everything was destroyed within the shop. Now tell me who incurred more loss and who could recover some of the losses. The answer is both incurred almost the same loss but Shyam can recover some of the losses because of the changes he adapted to previously.

Similar is our life which also runs on examples like these if we do not adapt changes according to the new generation emerging out we all will be left behind creating a rift between generations and this phenomenon is called 'Generation Gap'.

Here, I'm going to my family's mindset we belong to a lower middle class section and so are our mentality ( exception) but my mother and father managed to send us in school which was in the city and we stayed in a hostel and because of this change for us in the environment we (brothers) developed ourselves to the mindset according to the city (open minded society) and hence we becomes open minded. On the contrary, our parents mindset was still stuck in the old mindset and one example is orthodox mentality like we cannot marry to girl who does not belong to the same community as we belong, girls shouldn't do this or that and so on... But out of all my brothers I took initiative trying to change the mindset of our parents by showing them examples from outside.

And the good news is my mother is quite adapting to the new mindset that I'm trying to inculcate in her and to be honest it took me around 3 years to see the changes in her and also because of mom my father also tries to get on the same page as my mum.

Final thoughts: At last but not least I'm just trying to say that our world is constantly changing day by day and so are our societies. There is no doubt that developed countries have already the mindset according to the modern while, it is either the developing country or poor country where even though the country is developing but at places the mindset of people are stagnant and we need to change that.

Thank you.

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Written by
2 years ago
