I am a Bee. What are you?
Some people would tell me,"Glez you have to get a life!"
I am such a busy bee! That even in my dreams I am still wandering how to make it up for all those pending tasks I have at work, at home plus all the plans that I want to achieve.
Twenty freaking hours seems not enough for me to do all the chores I needed to accomplish everything! It is such a pain in the ass because it is haunting me even on my deepest slumber. Wew!
So here are some things I have pending for work:
Organize my files
I have been wanting to redo everything. Like recreate a file that has all my logins, tools to open, notes about work and then reminders. The only thing for me is I want to organize it in a way that it is colorful to the eyes. I want to put some art and yes I can do some artistic touch but do I have time? Yeah yeah you know the answer!
Read, Delete and Organize Emails
I receive emails daily but I only select those that I see valuable to my current task/position or those emails who are either from me or the department I support. With that, I now have seven-freaking-hundreds of unread emails that makes me feel stress!
Take note of processes and important information in a single file
So whenever I got busy and I get a handful of task I tend to just save everything in Desktop which messes up all the icons and makes me have a hard time finding the things I needed.
Learn more and join some calibrations
Really I want to participate on things thay would make me hone my skills. I want to be with people who talks about sense and participate on some events held by our company but then again I got no time.
Review previous performance and take note on takeaways
I want sometime to contemplate about my previous performance and take note of things that I can do better. I want to self-assess but who am I kidding when I am even having a hard time to stay sane in a whole shift?
It is hard to focus on other things while you also have a daily task to attend to.
But do not get me wrong, my WORK is a BLESSING for me. When I graduated I prayed for this and God granted me such a great blessing!
Complete the current file I am working before weekend
Deadline kills me so much because I always want to exert the best of my effort to work with the current task so I could get a better performance compared to the previous one but I would only have limited time to work on the current task then I would have to proceed on the next one, next week. That fast!
How about you? What keeps you busy and how do you manage it?
...end thoughts...
A lot has been happening to my life right now, I mean I guess each and everyone of us is going through different scenarios right? It is up for us if we let it make or break us.
Same here, glez. I have 2000+ unread emails currently but some of those are emails from a different department and some are just notifications.. I have sorted out those that are indeed important and really for mine for reading. I have plans of organizing some tasks here too in my current department but when the work for the day started, I lost focus about it since my attention diverts on the ones request that were prioritized on a daily. .