Breadwinners Dream

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Written by
2 years ago

Are you breadwinner like me?

Are you also someone who loves to surprise people with gifts, share blessings and give back but haven't received any?

It is like, you exert effort but no one is exerting for you. (LOL!)

People around me got used to me giving them my all, me surprising them and giving them what I have but never or no one have ever thought of doing the same for me.

No one ever asked if there is anything I wanted to gift myself.

Yes, I shouldn't be ranting this but I sometimes envy those who receive a little something from their partner, friends and family. It feels like they are so special while every birthday I only get a simple greeting or sometimes none when everyone forgets. Cases are, there will be no party if I won't prepare for my own and nothing on Christmas if I won't work hard to have something to spend.

Well, maybe this is what it is being a breadwinner and getting used to giving. They say, when you give, do not expect anything in return. I wasn't really expecting but at times I feel like I was no special. I love people surprising me, I get to imagine myself being surprised whenever its my birthday but of course, it is all in my imagination.

There were random moments when my partner gave me gifts, yes but that was too long ago.

As a Breadwinner, I dream to be loved and cared the same.

As a Breadwinner I wanted to feel special to the people I love most.

As a Breadwinner I also wanted to enjoy what I have but I always think of preparing for tomorrow because wether I like it or not whatever happens I will shoulder everything.

This Christmas, the month of love and giving I hope and pray that if you have any Breadwinner in the family, please, please appreciate them. A simple gesture of hugging them and saying thank you for all the love and sacrifices would be enough.

A little something might also be great! Be it some fashion earrings, watch or slippers anything that even when not branded or expensive is precious to us!

It would feel good that when you try to plan out or save over something for Christmas then you found out that someones also doing the same for you.

...end thoughts...

I feel a bit bad for posting this article but really, I wish all the breadwinners a happy life!

Hey! Please do not think negatively with this article. I may sound complaining but really I am happy being a giver instead of receiver. But at times, I just wonder how does it feel to have someone appreciates and values you way too much that she/he would really prepare something for you or even plan the future for you.

Kaya natin toh!

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Written by
2 years ago


As for me, di naman ako palabigay ng gift so never na akong nag expect. Sina mudrabels naman cash binibigay sakin ao oks na oks na ako dun. Pero ano kayang feeling ano? Nong maregaluhan ng something special from your special someone kahiy naba simple lang ung ganon πŸ€”

$ 0.05
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago

Thank you again Jane T.T

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Meeting the family's needs is sacred in all religions, so never give up, you're amazing, just keep going.

$ 0.05
2 years ago

The position as breadwinner is the hero of life for those closest to us, be patient

$ 0.05
2 years ago