Creating Impact in the World

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As the biggest dictatorships and monarchies fell from power ( 1700 onwards for the most part),people were set free in the world to make their own image and reputation in the new world.No king,queen,prince or priest could stop them from gaining their own followers.We can say that a democracy which was unrelated to governments came into existence during this era,where people could be given power and control if their leadership was in demand. Many pioneers for the past three hundred years had followed this principle and gained immense popularity,like George Washington,Karl Marx,Martin Luther King Jr.,Charles Darwin,Sir Isaac Newton,Albert Einstein,Mahatma Gandhi,Mark Zuckerberg,Steve Jobs,Bill Gates,Mohammed Ali and Michael Jordan to name a few. Dictatorships although didn’t meet their end until the middle of the twentieth century.

This makes me think of how all of these brilliant minds made it to the big leagues… we’ve all heard that most of them had inborn talents in them,and truly a lot of them did but,an equal part of them became masters of their respective fields as a result of how they were first introduced to them or when they were introduced to the field…not really destiny but circumstance. They were opportunists who’s real talents were seizing the chances that came their way,an inborn talent of sorts which paradoxically brings us to square one,that all of these boons to humanity were what they are due to inborn talents.

Speaking of people who made it to stardom, I wonder what the ones that planned everything did so. Did they follow their hearts like most of them say or did they have meticulous planning behind how they portrayed themselves as naturals in their subjects? Off course,I have no business in judging them neither can I really speak of them the way I am but I really want to dissect the whole process of how a stereotypical successful person thinks.

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