How to asses ankle evertors

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Avatar for GheliAce
3 years ago

Position of Patient: Short sitting with ankle in neutral position (midway between

dorsiflexion and plantar flexion). Test also may be performed with patient supine. Position of

Therapist: Sitting on low stool in front of patient or standing at end of table if patient is supine.

One hand grips the ankle just above the malleoli forstabilization. Hand giving resistance is

contoured around the dorsum and lateral border of the forefoot. Resistance is directed toward.

Test: Patient everts foot with depression of first metatarsal head and some plantar flexion.

Instructions to Patient: "Turn your foot down and out. Hold it! Don't let me move it in." Grade 5

(Normal): Patient completes full range and holds end position against maximal resistance. Grade

4 (Good): Patient completes available range of motion against strong to moderate resistance.

Grade 3 (Fair): Patient completes available range of eversion but tolerates no resistance. Grade 2

(Poor): The patient will be able to complete only a partial range of eversion motion. Grade 1

(Trace) and Grade 0 (Zero): Position of Patient: Short sitting or supine. Position of Therapist:

Sitting on low stool or standing at end of table. To palpate the peroneus longus, place fingers on

the lateral leg over the upper one third just below the head of the fibula. The tendon of the muscle

can be felt posterior to the lateral malleolus but behind the tendon of the peroneus brevis. To

palpate the tendon of the peroneus brevis, place index finger over the tendon as it comes forward

from behind the lateral malleolus, proximal to the base of the 5th metatarsal. The

belly of the peroneus brevis can be palpated on the lateral surface of the distal leg over the fibula.

Grade 1 (Trace): Palpation will reveal contractile activity in either or both muscles, which may

cause the tendon to stand out. No motion occurs. Grade 0 (Zero): No palpable contractile activity

(Hislop & Montgomery, 2007).

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3 years ago
