Don't give up the fight

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Avatar for Gerard45
3 years ago

It seems all hope is gone,

Possibly, you have done,

Everything within your bone,

Yet, it looks as if you are alone.

Don't give up the fight.

You're done with secondary school,

Thinking everything will be cool,

Hoping for blessings flowing like pool,

Yet you are taken for a fool.

Don't give up the fight.

Many promised to be your helper,

If you graduate with second class upper,

They will take you to level so higher,

Now, they are behaving like scoffers.

Don't give up the fight.

You saw them as your light,

Hoping they will make your destiny bright,

Fight and defend your plight,

But they turned to be your darkest night.

Don't give up the fight.

You hoped in your father,

Trusted the capability of your mother,

Had faith in your elder brother,

Now everything is in disorder.

Don't give up the fight.

You where not dull in class,

Even graduated with first class,

You where as sparkling as green grass,

Suddenly, everything looks shattered like broken glass.

Don't give up the fight.

You lost your parents at a tender age,

Nobody recognizes you in your village,

People think nothing good can come from your lineage,

You are even treated like sewage.

Don't give up the fight.

You where once molested,

Consistently assaulted,

Your only land confiscated,

You now feel defeated.

Don't give up the fight.

Are you judged by your background,

Do you think your back is on the ground,

Is there any fears turning you around,

Do you think you will never be sound?

Don't give up the fight.

People think you cannot make it,

Many think you are useless as six feet,

They don't believe you can climb to a great feat,

Only longing for you to fall in a pit.

Don't give up the fight.

You have no sponsor,

No one to click your life's cursor,

No one to call your mentor,

Only wondering like a bachelor.

Don't give up the fight.

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Avatar for Gerard45
3 years ago


Nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

nice article , thanks for sharing

$ 0.00
3 years ago