Story in my life
Story of my life.
Part 1.
I remember when I was still in grade 5, the day of the district competition, they were looking for a player who could play chess board. Actually grade 3 I learned to play checkers board and grade 5 I learned to play chess board, not to brag I'm the best at playing chess board in our room, I would have been the one to compete in the district case my grades are low others they took 😁 (actually we made the gamble playing chess board because I bet I always win) the player they took was the person who always loses when they gamble playing chess board. Do you know that? I wasn't the one who was hired because my grades were low, I just focused on my studies and forgot about the chess competition in another district, I always laughed because someone else was hired 😁. But even so, I don't know anything because it's just a game on my mind.
TOMORROW (THE COMPETITION IS OVER) Yes, our school lost that competition so I just laughed, (fast forward) when I was in grade 6, I was still like that even though they knew that I was still the best of us, I wasn't taken then, you know haha low my grades (to be honest, I don't care about my grade as long as I can pass okay hehe) our stoner lost again, I won't say anything haha I know the outcome. End wait for part 2 of my life next to high school again hehe. I remember where I used to be, because I only think of myself, even if it's an opportunity at school to grow my grades, I don't grab it.
This is my true story when i was a student. Hope you understand it.😁
Di ko mahilig sa sports dong. Maayu ka naa talent anang chess ba