General Protocols Sponsorship for Q2 2023

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1 year ago

In Q2 2023, General Protocols is supporting a number of on-going projects within the Bitcoin Cash community. We have a strong commitment to scale our sponsorships as revenue grows. In the future, we will evaluate further sponsorship opportunities for other worthwhile projects in the expanding Bitcoin Cash ecosystem.

Here are the projects we are supporting in Q2 2023:

Electron CashA Bitcoin Cash SPV wallet

LibauthAn ultra-lightweight JavaScript library for Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Bitauth applications.

BCHNA professional, miner-friendly node that solves practical problems for Bitcoin Cash.

CashScript: CashScript is a high-level programming language for smart contracts on Bitcoin Cash.

cculianu/FulcrumA fast & nimble SPV server for Bitcoin Cash & Bitcoin BTC.

BCA: Bitcoincashautist is a decisive, dedicated Bitcoin Cash community member who works tirelessly to improve the quality of BCH CHIPs (CasH Improvement Proposals), availability of information and more.

The Bitcoin Cash Podcast: A podcast dedicated to Bitcoin Cash, aimed at accelerating BCH adoption, by providing news, updates and entertaining media all related to Bitcoin Cash. Since January 2021, the Bitcoin Cash Podcast has produced over 70 episodes and is still going strong.

General Protocols Blog

This article forms part of the General Protocols Blog, a collection of cross-platform links showcasing our team's community activity, Bitcoin Cash projects, UTXO development, and general crypto musings.

$ 0.22
$ 0.20 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.02 from @Eybyoung
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1 year ago
