BCH初创公司General Protocols种子轮获100万美金

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3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)

2020年5月7日,新加坡。General Protocols——第一家致力于将去中心化金融(DeFi)产品引入BCH的初创企业——最近完成了100多万美元的种子轮融资。投资人有传奇的加密货币交易员马克·德·梅塞尔(Marc De Mesel)和BCH思想领袖Molecular。有了这笔资金,General Protocols能够发展其BCH智能合约衍生产品AnyHedge,扩展工程团队并在全球范围内扩展业务。

对于此次融资,General Protocols的总裁John Nieri(网名 emergent_reasons)表示:“我们很高兴投资人支持我们将DeFi引入BCH的愿景。我们的团队成员都致力于实现点对点电子现金。”

General Protocols的核心成员充满热情,他们是BCH志愿筹款项目Flipstarter.cash的发起人、组织者,并参与建立了这一项目。Flipstarter.cash这一应用允许人们使用Electron Cash钱包以“安全,非托管”的方式为项目提供资金。此外,该团队也参与创建了BCHN节点。

前Bitcoin.com雇员Rosco Kalis和Marcel Chuo加入General Protocols

为协助公司扩展,General Protocols迎来了新成员Rosco Kalis和Marcel Chuo。Rosco的团队Pandacash曾赢得了2018年10月在阿姆斯特丹举办的BCH Devcon黑客马拉松。Rosco在Bitcoin.com期间创建了CashScript——一种高级脚本语言——用于在BCH上创建复杂的智能合约。除了巩固General Protocol的基础设施和开源工具,Rosco还将继续开发CashScript并将其应用于新一代稳健的BCH智能合约。

对于加入General Protocols,Rosco这样评论道:“我很高兴能在General Protocols参与开发AnyHedge项目。”

Marcel将负责建立并管理商业关系,发展对AnyHedge合约双方都重要的需求池(做多/做空)。在加入General Protocols之前,Marcel Chuo在Bitcoin.com担任公关和特写编辑,也负责商务拓展。他管理Bitcoin.com的公司关系,制定全球扩张战略,协调启动了与HTC的合作伙伴关系。

关于General Protocols

General Protocols是第一家致力于将去中心化金融(DeFi)产品引入BCH的初创公司。其王牌产品AnyHedge是基于BCH区块链智能合约的新一代衍生品产品。在2019年,imaginary_username,John Nieri和Jonathan Silverblood合作创立了General Protocols,后在新加坡成立了公司。




General Protocols Blog

This article forms part of the General Protocols Blog, a collection of cross-platform links showcasing our team's community activity, Bitcoin Cash projects, UTXO development, and general crypto musings.

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3 years ago (Last updated: 2 years ago)


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Singapore, May 7, 2020. General Protocols -the first startup dedicated to introducing decentralized finance (DeFi) products to BCH-recently completed a seed round of more than $1 million. Investors include legendary cryptocurrency trader Marc De Mesel and BCH thought leader Molecular. With this funding, General Protocols is able to develop its BCH smart contract derivative product AnyHedge, expand its engineering team and expand its business globally.

Regarding this financing, General Protocols President John Nieri (screen name emergent_reasons) said: "We are very pleased that investors support our vision of introducing DeFi to BCH. Our team members are committed to achieving peer-to-peer electronic cash."

The core members of General Protocols are full of enthusiasm. They are the initiators and organizers of the BCH voluntary fundraising project Flipstarter.cash, and participated in the establishment of this project. Flipstarter.cash is an application that allows people to use the Electron Cash wallet to fund projects in a "secure, non-custodial" manner. In addition, the team also participated in the creation of the BCHN node.

Former Bitcoin.com employees Rosco Kalis and Marcel Chuo join General Protocols

To help the company expand, General Protocols welcomed new members Rosco Kalis and Marcel Chuo. Rosco's team, Pandocash, won the BCH Devcon Hackathon in Amsterdam in October 2018. Rosco created CashScript during Bitcoin.com-a high-level scripting language-for creating complex smart contracts on BCH. In addition to consolidating General Protocol's infrastructure and open source tools, Rosco will continue to develop CashScript and apply it to a new generation of robust BCH smart contracts.

Regarding joining General Protocols, Rosco commented: "I am very happy to participate in the development of the AnyHedge project at General Protocols."

Marcel will be responsible for establishing and managing business relationships and developing demand pools (long/short) that are important to both parties of the AnyHedge contract. Before joining General Protocols, Marcel Chuo worked as a public relations and feature editor at Bitcoin.com and was also responsible for business development. He managed the corporate relationship of Bitcoin.com, formulated a global expansion strategy, and coordinated the launch of a partnership with HTC.

About General Protocols

General Protocols is the first startup company dedicated to introducing decentralized finance (DeFi) products into BCH. Its flagship product, AnyHedge, is a new generation of derivative products based on BCH blockchain smart contracts. In 2019, imaginary_username, John Nieri and Jonathan Silverblood co-founded General Protocols, and then established a company in Singapore.

Website: https://generalprotocols.com/

Contact: marcel.chuo@generalprotocols.com

Telegram: https://t.me/AnyHedge

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3 years ago