Step by step achieve your dream

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3 years ago

When I was a child, my dream was to become a nurse. I want to help people who are in need, earn money and give my family a good life. I want my parents to buy whatever they want and travel around the world. I want to give them a wonderful life. I want to give back their sacrifices for us.

But now, I'm already 27 years old, earning minimum with my job as accounting assistant in a private company. Can't earn enough money to help my family and give them what they need. I thought that when you graduate in college life would be easy. Easy to find a good job with good salary and benefits.

But in reality it's hard. It took me almost a month to find a job that suits my degree. I failed most of the interviews by answering their questions honestly. After the interview they'll tell you to wait for their call or texts but the truth is you failed.

There was a time when I stopped looking for a job that I want. So I applied for any position. I was hired as recruiter for online teaching. I interview applicants whose better than me in speaking in english. I felt bad failing them because of qualifications. We have criteria in hiring teachers. Then I realized that I'm not happy in what I'm doing.

What I want is related in numbers. Then I resigned as a recruiter. And found this company where I am currently working right now. Salary is not competitive but I'm enjoying with my job. I'll stay as long as I can with my friends.

The life that I'm living now is different from what I dream about. Easy to dream but hard to achieve. But I know one of these days I can make some of my dream come true. Fighting!

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$ 0.50 from @prey27
