If You Were Born In Any Of These Three Months Listed Above, Then You’re Blessed

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2 years ago

Welcome to another enlightening article, which, like the others I’ ve written, I feel will add to your knowledge.

Before I go any further on this subject, I’ d want to point out that numbers in the Bible have symbolic and significant value. In a number of instances, God instructed His Prophets to keep track of specific numbers.

The Lord told Moses to count the Levites or to lump them in with the rest of the Israelites.

The LORD gave Gideon an assignment in Judges 7 vs 5 that will practically figure out those who will be brave and eligible to stand and fight with him against the Midianites, and He asked that they be brought to the rivers of water. ” Everyone who laps from the water with his tongue, as a dog laps, you shall set apart by himself, ” the LORD told Gideon.

” Likewise, everyone who gets down on his knees to drink. ” Following that exercise, 300 men lapped the water with their hands to their mouths, indicating that they were eligible to accompany Gideon and win the battle.We have 12 months in a year, and each month has a representation and a nature based on its number.

But I’ ll only go over three of them.

Each month, from January to February, has its own significance and must be considered in nature. So, if you were born in one of these months, these are your natural characteristics, according to the Bible.

ONE- JANUARY This month is a month of primacy and unification, and it has its roots in the words of Jesus Christ, who said, ” I and my Father are ONE, ” in John 10: 30.

In Col 1: 15, Jesus is referred to as the firstborn of all creatures, and in Romans 8: 29, he is referred to as the firstborn not just of the dead but also of many brethren.Because of the spiritual significance of this month as the start of the month and independence, many goals, plans, and resolutions are made.

Don’ t be shocked if others always rely on you, look up to you as a source of good things, or anticipate your viewpoint if you were born in this month.

TWO- FEBRUARY- This is a month of spiritual support, witness, and connection.

The Bible says in Amos 6: 6 that no two people may walk together unless they agree. And the truth is proved by the testimony of two witnesses.

Furthermore, the disciples of Jesus Christ split up into two groups to provide spiritual support to one another. The day and the night are two enormous lights created by God to support each other.

You may be indecisive and require a second opinion to confirm your activities or decisions if you were born in this month. It’ s not a flaw; it’ s a source of power.

THREE- MARCH- The month of March represents a powerful force as well as a sense of completion.

Many important events in the Bible occurred on the third day, third hour, third month, or third year. As one, the strongest force of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. That Jesus served in the ministry for three years.

Those born in this month are strong- willed and insist on seeing things through to the end. They can be stubborn and difficult to discipline, but they are dedicated. It’ s a one- of- a- kind situation.

Thanks and I hope you love my article 😃💯.

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2 years ago
