I Started Making A Daily Routine List, You Should Too!

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2 years ago

A few days ago I decided to make a list of all the things I want to accomplish on that day. Even then, I can tell you, I've seen some benefits in that short period of time. In this article, I will outline what my list consists of, the benefits of making a list, and how you can too!

My Daily Routine

Every single morning I wake up at 4:00 AM, stretch (typically for 15 mins), 100 squats/100 calf raises, 30-minute run, write a blog, 200 pushups/200 situps, 20 pullups, 20 dips, go to work, do MMA practice, hobbies (mostly metal detecting or playing games), finance, go to bed at 9:00 PM, and repeat. Phew, that was a mouth full! That may seem like a lot but over the span of a day, it's very sustainable. Just for context, I did not add my schedule of eating/brushing my teeth because that's something I haft to do regardless of my list or not. I don’t want people thinking I don't eat, I'm human after all! Now let's get into the benefits of making a daily routine list.


First of all, it's very easy to make a list. Mine took less than 5 minutes of planning. Not to mention the health and productivity levels increasing. I have done so much more in the day because of my tight schedule. It keeps me busy and productive. Alright, I may have lied a tiny bit. I follow my list 6 days a week instead of 7. It's crucial to get rest days, it's important to not overload your body. I typically have a rest day on Sundays. Alright with that out of the way, let's get into making your very own routine list.

Making One Yourself

All you need is a pencil and a piece of paper. Start by writing down a list of things you want to achieve that day in chronological order. Maybe you want to be more flexible, get stronger, do a handstand, or even learn a language. After you have done the list, simply start following the steps you wrote down until you don’t need the paper anymore to remember them. Just like that, you're already done with a list!


I know it's tough, but once you start having a healthy routine you will feel so much better about yourself. All you need is a list. Thank you so much for reading all the way to the end. If I helped please make sure to clap and comment on your questions or thoughts around this topic. Have a great day my friend!

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2 years ago
