This Is the Young Boy Pushing His Red Wheel Barrow
Happiness is neither virtue nor pleasure nor this thing nor that but simply growth, We are happy when we are growing. - William Butler Yeats -
Some of my most treasured recollections from childhood involve the process of growing, and if I'm in need of a happy place, a time and place where life was simple, comfortable, and safe, I think back to those times with my family while I was in the midst of that process.
In the 1970s, when I was a kid, my family and I lived on a huge property in a rural area, which meant we had plenty of room to raise our own vegetables.
We had a big vegetable garden, a fruit and nut tree orchard, chickens and the the like and, as a family, we would work towards supplying for ourselves. I think the time and energy we put into growing and preparing our food made it better for us as a whole, including the food itself, which we ate in moderation throughout the year.
It imprinted itself permanently on me in the form of warm and fuzzy recollections, new insights, and a profound appreciation for the benefits of raising one's own food.
On the weekends, my parents and I could be seen working together in the garden, where I had my own tools and equipment. When I was three or four years old, I would help out by pushing a little red wheel barrow full of my shovel and rake around the garden. It was a great time in my life, and my help only grew in importance from then on. Eventually, I outgrew my wheel barrow, but I've never lost my enthusiasm for gardening, hard work, and the satisfaction of a successful harvest.
I still grow my own fresh fruit and when I spend time doing so I experience the same sensations of delight; regardless of whether I'm inside planning my crop or outside planting or tending it, the feeling is the same. Happiness.
Recently I picked the last of my winter vegetables. I have used it for winter soups and stews, and while I still have some in the freezer and plan to savor the remaining remnants of my winter efforts, it is time to start planning for warmer weather and the next harvest.
After removing debris from the beds and reviving the soil, I planted the following.
Radish (Mars)
Spinach (Perpetual)
Capsicum (Sweet mixed)
Allan's early red tomato.
Lettuce (Green mignonette) (Green mignonette)
Tomato (Cherry Roma)
Tomato (Tommy toe)
In the next weeks, I'll be adding eggplant and cucumbers to the beds among the brown onions, brussels sprourts, and French Dwarf Bonaparte beans that I planted in the winter.
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Unfortunately I don’t have the amount of space my parents had so I need to carefully select what I plant out to maximise the room I have but that process is also part of the enjoyment I guess, the planning phase; I generally get it right although this time last year made a few errors which have been rectified for this spring.
I did some general gardening over the last couple of weeks as gardens tend to need regular attention (which isn’t a bad thing) and have put out a herb garden in a huge pot which I’ll be able to leave next to the kitchen for easy access. The main fresh herbs I use during the spring and summer are curly parsley, mixed basil, thyme, and dill, so I planted those.
Growing itself, like the rest of the process, will provide its share of joy and contentment.
Tending the plants, watching them sprout, mature and produce their harvest, whilst too slow for me sometimes, is rewarding and come harvest time things get really exciting. It's good to look at what I do now and realize that my appreciation for it began when I was a kid pushing that tiny red wheel barrow around.
Your life is what you make of it, so make it what you want it to be; tomorrow isn't certain, so be modest and compassionate today.