Every fraction, no matter how little of a highly valuable currency should be useful.

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1 year ago
Topics: Bitcoincash

A currency should not even aim at being generally accepted when it can not be used to the last bit. I would consider the whole dollar as a Currency use.less if I can not make use of the one dollar bill in my safe box because it is too small for my hand to grab and pull out. Which means, I would have to go around sorting and begging for more dollar bills to put in the same Safe box to make a chunk big enough that I can grab and pull out for use. How can I consider such a currency that can not come to my rescue when I needed to buy something worth 1 dollar even though I have that one dollar saved up, valuable?

Crypto is aiming at becoming a universal currency acceptable to all yet, some crypto now are regarded as giants that they have become so use.less. When you try to make a purchase with it, the transaction charges would eat up the transacting amount. How can such currency which can not be used for regular transaction be acceptable to all? Or is it that when I need a sachet of milk that is worth just 2 dollars, I should then go ahead to buy a carton of it because the Currency I'm about to use in paying for the item can't be used to buy things worth as little as 2 dollars? What if I don't have up to the amount that is required to pay for a carton? Should I then stay hungry of milk because I saved up my money in a useless currency? Such currency can never be generally accepted and that dream is just dead on arrival.

Take BTC for instance. It is not even worth being referred to as a currency. It is better off as digital gold or whatever they feel comfortable calling it these days. But come to think of it, is it even as valuable as gold? If I own a bar of gold today, I can decide to chop it into pieces and purchase what ever I need with the fragments. With BTC, I don't think that is so easy to do due to outrageous charges. For someone who spend only in thousands and millions, it might be useful to them in some degree but for a person like myself who spend in tens and hundreds, I do not have that much to spare as charges therefore, it is useless and valueless to me. Because I believe that, Value of a currency is found in its Utility.

This is why I so much love bitcoincash. No fraction of Bitcoincash that s useless and this fact alone places bitcoincash value about most existing currencies today. Sometimes I receive amount of Bitcoincash that is worth as little as 0.001 dollar in my wallet and I would be like wow! How is this even possible?! Bitcoincash is truly the Bitcoin that Satoshi Nakamoto dreamed of. There is no amount of it no matter how little or big that is not transferable. It is definitely the currency that can be used for regular transactions and can be acceptable to all.

This is what makes bitcoincash a highly Valuable currency.

$ 1.01
$ 1.01 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
1 year ago
Topics: Bitcoincash


I'm beginning to understand now the difference and dig more onto crypto like Bch. I got more understanding on how it works. Thanks sir!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

You are welcome. I'm happy someone is benefitting from my articles.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Etherium is even worst as the fee is up to $10 sometimes. Thank God for bch, transaction fee is nothing to worry about

$ 0.00
1 year ago

BCH is that coin suitable for everything money could be used for. Ease of transaction.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Bitcoin cash is highly valuable currency but now a days it's also not going better earlier it's highest value was 1.8 k and now showing value at 0.1 k

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hopefully the price will shoot but for now, let's merry on the utility.

$ 0.00
1 year ago