Man know thyself

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4 years ago

A portion of the knowledge of self comes from studying, we spent time studying others but lacks the time to look into ourselves as man. So the balance between what I am and who I am is a question to every man today.

Who are you?

We live in a times where our actions are Candice to identifying what we can do without first knowing we can, leaving us to the point of "man know thyself".

To attained balance of self, we need to keep measuring ourselves by evaluating our actions, attitude, outcomes as well as relationships. We don't get into life what we are, cos what we are, are projections of affiliations so we can't confuse what we are for our standards unless we live by it.

Here is my take, we get into life who we are. People will look at who you are to conclude issues about you, where what we are, are attached to materialism, who we are, puts us in the cosmos of reality. We put what we are to the world, leaving who we are vulnerable to self and that what I call "the output variety". It has become so bad that we give output more than input by which it deposits bad influence on the input so that in reality we produce unimaginable results and on and on we keep questioning the reasons for such results.

If you don't study yourself to put greatness to your results, you leave yourself at the risk of out of balance outcomes.

I am born a male , grew to become a man and my reality started from the male stage to the man stage and everything I am is attributed to what I show to the world and the world in turn sees me for what I give them be it reality or sham and the imbalance of the both is vague because my needs more study of self than of other. While others are judging us by what we show to them, who judge who you truly are. No one say the truth to self more than self,

Find your reality, put a name on it and live because generations depend your your legacy to carried on from where you stop. If you leave deception for them, they in turn will trail that live and be exactly what you left behind. So in light of the moment I asked again "who are you"?

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4 years ago
