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Avatar for Gabrielromzy
4 years ago

It is a free gift to life and by choice we can't do without it. No matter how much we hold back in life we are all in the pursuit for happiness. You may have crossed all limits and land in a point where all hell has broken loose but if you fight what's holding you back inside you will see the light.

We all are broken at some point in life and that has made us taken decisions that sometimes alter our rights to happiness and all we get from such actions has been pain and more pain..

You can't fight darkness with darkness, you need a light and if a light can't brighten your darkness... Maybe it's time to give yourself the opportunity to. Because if you don't give light the chance , darkness will remain where it is.

If you don't have the stomach for making up with yourself, at least make up with God. Happiness lives everywhere if you can't find what makes you happy at least build what makes life better for you.

I am not against shield, if it can only block bad waves, I am not Against loneliness but what it makes us lonely, am not against dreams if it can take you higher.. Am only against it, if it can't makes others grows cos of you.

Today and tomorrow are all we have got to change the sounds of life, and they are not ours to decide.. All we have is right now.... I suggest we make it happen by been happy and live it to the fullest.

Change is okay I love it too but happiness and peace of mind is all I pursue, if I can't be happy with the change I see, then I should be happy with the little I have. Change is good, happiness is better and peace of mind is all we have to live with.

Find it. Life is good.

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You must pursue sex things love, happiness and joy, peace, salvation and God

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4 years ago