How to Really Love Your Teenager

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2 years ago

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Every teenage generation since the 1960s has been distrustful of adults and marked with an attitude of rebellion. You can return it in their music. You can see it in the way they dress. Their attitude is entirely understandable, however, if you consider the world from their perspective.

Teenager during 1970's-Credit to Unsplash

Their governmental leaders are hypocrites, saying whatever is politically expedient; their sports heroes prove to be egocentric millionaires who can't sign an autograph for a kid without a feeling; and their religious leaders fall in disagreement because their lives fail to match the content of their sermons.

In short, teenagers are quick to criticize what adults tolerate: The world is full of role models who are phonies and fakes.

The New Generation-Credit to Unsplash

If you have a child who is a teenager, then set an example which your child can follow. These are easy words to say, but they are difficult to fulfill. No one knows you better than your teenager. No one sees you so often and in side many different circumstances. Good days and bad days. At work and at play. At ease and under stress. Your teenager is there: watching and analyzing; seeing if your actions match your words.

For your teenager, your words are not trustworthy until your actions are found to be so.

✅Admit mistakes and you're not perfect. Admitting a mistake; acknowledge that you don't know all of the answers (because your teenager already suspects that you are bluffing); and don't cover up your own shortcomings.

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✅ Be Moral. If you want your teenager to have moral character? Then don't make.promises unless you know you can keep them. Be just and equitable in establishing the rules of the household. Don't require any behavior from your child that you don't consistently exhibit yourself.

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✅ Be a Discipline and a Learner. In order to build a good foundation of your teenager and youth. Find someone wiser and more spiritually mature than you (hint: that person is probably older) so you can learn from him or her. Ask this person, also known as a mentor, to meet with you on a regular basis. You may want to do a Bible Study together, or you may just want to talk about life. Perhaps, make yourself the role model to others and to your next generation.

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✅ Make yourself Accountable. In this world of shifting values and vivid temptations, you need to be in an accountability group (this is especially true for men). As a group, discipline yourself to meet on a regular basis (at least once a month) to ask each other the tough questions and discuss the tough issues.

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✅ Be a neighbor. Just like what Jesus said "Love the Lord your God" and "Love your neighbor as yourself". Loving your neighbor is more than lending tools or cups of sugar. It's care and concern for the little things. It'sharing meaningful details from your own life.

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You already are an example for your teenager-whether your intend to be or not. The question is what kind of example. Don't just talk to your teenager about life; show what you mean by how you live.

It's like an investments-you get what you put into them, and they take time to mature. But the dividends they pay are eternal.

$ 0.04
$ 0.02 from @TheGuy
$ 0.01 from @mypathtofire
$ 0.01 from @Esp130
Avatar for GKeep18
2 years ago


Parents should also take note of this, it's not always about them being heard every single day, it's also about them listening to their children.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

I think as a teenager the most important thing to learn is morality cause it will create a huge effects to their future life

$ 0.01
2 years ago