Tupi Guarani

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2 years ago

I decided to do some research on the languages ​​used in Brazil, for those who don't know, we speak Portuguese here. Portuguese is the official language, it was one of the legacies of Portuguese colonization. Brazil was a Portuguese colony, and was even home to the Portuguese court.

Before being colonized, invaded and home to European peoples, Brazil was the territory of native Indians. The Guarani Indians form the largest native people, in terms of number of individuals, living in Brazil.

Tupi-Guarani is not just a language, but a linguistic trunk.

Part of the indigenous peoples who lived on the coast, during the colonization period, spoke languages ​​that belonged to the Tupi trunk. Within this trunk, Tupinambá (which belongs to the Tupi-Guarani family) ended up being chosen by the colonizers as the basis of one of the general languages ​​that existed in Brazil and that was used to communicate with the indigenous people. The goal, in the end, was to erase the great diversity of languages ​​spoken by so many different peoples.

Thousands of words of indigenous origin have been incorporated into Brazilian culture and we use them daily, many times without realizing their origin. Copacabana, Morumbi, Tietê, Iguaçu, etc. All words created by the Indians of Brazil and that are now spoken by all Brazilians.

In my research, I was surprised to find the work and website of Dicionário Ilustrado Tupi Guarani, a work in constant improvement and open to the participation of users, seeks to rescue the origin and give greater visibility to these genuinely Brazilian words. A robust and very important work for Brazilian culture >> https://www.dicionariotupiguarani.com.br/

I also found a course Old Tupi language >>> https://tupi.fflch.usp.br/

Here in Brazil we speak Brazilian Portuguese, which has some difference from the Portuguese spoken in Portugal, as we have very strong influences from other languages ​​as well as indigenous languages, mainly from Tupi-Guarani.

I recommend checking out the websites on the topic:

1. https://www.ufmg.br/espacodoconhecimento/influencia-do-tupi/

2. https://www.dicionariotupiguarani.com.br/

3. https://www.hypeness.com.br/2020/10/tupi-guarani-nao-e-lingua-e-essa-thread-explica-de-uma-vez-por-todas-essa-confusao/

4. https://www.todamateria.com.br/indios-guarani/

5. https://tupi.fflch.usp.br/

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2 years ago
