Brazil is the world's largest producer of guavas

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2 years ago
Topics: Nature, Tips

Brazil is the world's largest producer of guavas (goiaba in Portuguese), even though it is geographically very wide-spread and popular in tropical regions around the globe, from Mexico to South Africa and from India to Hawaii.

The guava tree itself originated somewhere between Mexico and Northern South America, but it has been cultivated since pre-history and has spread so far that its origins are lost in time.

Man has partially been responsible for the spread of the guava tree, carrying it from the New World to the Old, but the guava tree can also thank birds for helping it to extend its global reach.

Guava is a fruit capable of promoting the improvement of the health of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing the body's defenses, favoring weight loss and promoting skin health, as it is rich in fiber, antioxidants and other nutrients, such as vitamins A. , B and C.

The main health benefits of guava are:

1. Improves digestion

2. Increases the body's defenses

3. Improves diarrhea

4. Promotes weight loss

The scientific name of guava is Psidium guajava, it has a sweet flavor and its pulp can be pink, white, red, yellow or orange, and can be consumed whole, in the form of juice, desserts or teas, which are made using the leaves of the guava. guava.

You can consume it in natura, you can make juices and shakes, and also make a wonderful sweet that is traditional in Brazilian cuisine.

Guava jam (Goiabada) - Take the pulp and guava peel to the pan to prepare a homemade guava smudge. In addition, only sugar is included in this recipe, which helps to give the mixture elasticity and preserve it.

When serving, just cut the candy into slivers. You can even make a Romeo and Juliet, a classic combination with Minas Gerais cheese. By adding water to the pan with guava and sugar, it is possible to make the mixture creamier, with the consistency of jelly.

Remembering that, when taking the fruit to the fire, there may be a loss of vitamin C, which has high solubility at high temperatures. Still, a part will be kept. Apart from that your guava smudge or homemade jam will also have other nutrients present in the fruit, such as fiber.




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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Nature, Tips
