The Preciousness of Time and the Importance of Redeeming It

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3 years ago

“....redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”


As a Christian we should not only study to improve the opportunities we enjoy, but also labor to reclaim others from their evil course. We should do this so that God might defer His anger, and time be redeemed from the terrible destruction that will put an end to the time of is His divine patience... “because the says are evil”.

We must place a high value of time, and be extra careful that it is not wasted. We are exhorted to exercise wisdom and care so that we may redeem time, because time Ian exceedingly precious.


A happy or miserable eternity depends on the good use of time or its waste. Things are precious in proportion to their importance, or to the degree that they concern our welfare. People set the highest value on those things that interest them the most. this then renders time exceedingly precious, because our eternal welfare depends on the improvement of our use of time.

Our welfare in this world depends upon our improvement of the use of time. If we do not improve it’s use, we stand in danger of coming to poverty and disgrace. However, by improving our use of time, we can obtain those things that are useful and make our lives more comfortable. Nevertheless, time is precious above of improving because our eternal state depends on it. The importance of improving our use of time regarding other matters is subordinate to this.

Gold and silver are esteemed precious by people, but are of no value to anyone except in their use to avoid or remove some evil, or to purchase something good. The greater the evil that is escaped, or the good that is obtained with gold and silver, so much greater is the value of that things, whatever it be. Therefore, if one uses something they own to save his or her life, they will view the thing used to escape death as very precious.

For the reason, we see that time is exceedingly precious. By using time properly, we have the opportunity to escape everlasting misery and obtain everlasting blessedness and glory. Our escape from an infinite evil and our attainment of an infinite Good depend on our use of time.

Time is very short, which is another thing that renders it precious. The scarcity of any commodity cause people to set a higher value upon it, especially if it is necessary and cannot be done without.


Time is very precious, because when it is past, it cannot be recovered. Men possess ⲙⲁⲛⲩ things which, if they part with them, would be lost forever. If a man loses something, though not knowing the worth of it or its need of it, he can often regain it with effort and some cost. If a man has traded away or sold something and afterwards has a change of mind, he may seek answers recover what he traded or sold.

However, this Is not true with respect to time. When time Is gone, it is gone forever, and no effort or cost will recover it. Though we are filled with remorse that we let time pass without properly using it, it is to no avail. Every part of time is successively offered to us, so that we may choose whether we will make it our own or not. But time does not delay. It will not wait on us to see whether or not we will comply with the offer. If we refuse, it is immediately taken away, and never offered again. As to that part of time that had passed, however we have neglected to use it, it is not of our possession and not of our reach.


Those who spend a great part of their time in idleness, do nothing of value for the good of either their souls or bodies. These folk do nothing either for their own benefit, or for the benefit of their neighbor, their family or the community where they live.

Time seems to lie heavy on some persons, who instead of trying to properly use it as it passes, act as if it is their concern to figure out ways to waste and consume it. It is as tough time is a burden to them instead of being precious. Their hands refuse to labor, and rather than go to work will let their families suffer while suffering themselves.

“An idle person will suffer hunger and drowsiness will clothe a man with rags”

Some people spend lots of time in the bars and nightclubs; others wander from house to house wasting away their hours in idle and unprofitable talk. However Lazy men, instead of gaining anything to give to another in need, waste what they already have.


Use well your time of leisure for making Progress. Ⲙⲁⲛⲩ people have a great deal of leisure time and all have some. If one is aware of it, such time may be use to great advantage. You must improve every talent, advantage and opportunity to your outmost whole time lasts.

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3 years ago
