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Avatar for Freelancer143
3 years ago

Story: Strange love

Author: Ignorant writer

Part: 25,, 26

Part 25

Shishir Moulike is coming to the room and getting ready to sleep.

Meanwhile, poor Mouli wakes up at night thinking of Shisir.


And Shisir meanwhile ??

The question may be whether Shishir is in a state like Molly ??

Let's see ??


Hahaha ,, Shisir is snoring and sleeping ,,


In fact, Shisir will make strange love.


In the morning


- That Sanvi, get up, that's why I told you not to stay up late.


Sanvi: What is Ray Damra ??


- The ship has reached the dock, call everyone.


Sanvi: Well, I'm getting fresh. You call everyone.


Shishir went to call everyone,


One by one, everyone knocked on the door and called out to everyone.


And some beautiful and pleasant moments are waiting for everyone.


Nazia and Jannat have not woken up yet.


Shisiraoi nila ,,, get out quickly ..


Nila: I was not fresh.


Shishir: Please come out a little.


Shishir took Nila and left to call Nazia and Jannat.

If there is any protection with them, they will not be able to do anything, especially in front of Nilar.


Shisir knocked on their door.


- Get up quickly.


Nazia slammed the door from inside and came out.


I think Shishir wanted to take someone inside.

But when he came, he fell in front of Nilar.


- Are you?


Nila: Yes, after getting up quickly, everyone will get down.


Nazia: Yes, well, Nazia looked at Shisir behind Nilar with wide eyes and left.


Shisira: I survived.


Nila: Yes, I really survived, otherwise I would have eaten Payesh.


- Have fun ?? Let's get fresh first.


((Will continue))

You will see the mistake in the eyes of forgiveness.

I will give the next part of the story very soon.

You will be well for so long, you will be healthy.

Part 26


Shisira: You don't have to have fun, get fresh first.


Nila smiled and walked towards her room.

And Shisir behind him.


Everyone ate fresh breakfast and left for the resort.


After getting off the ship, everyone's eyes are wide open.


Such a beautiful island, a Japanese style house in the middle of it, innumerable trees, birds.

Jurala everyone's mind ..


Shisira: Yes, there is no need for anyone. The bird will go away.


I don't understand what everyone is saying, everyone is hugging Shisir together except Mouli, Mouli is now staring at the island, the sand is chirping in the morning sun, some birds are bathing by the sea, Mouli is surprised by all these beauties. Looking at the eyes ..


Shisir: Well, then let's all go home first, then let's go to see the island .. {{Pushing Mouli


Mouli: Yes, but I go to see the island.


Shisira: No, lost is a problem for children.


- Who's the baby ?? {{All together


Shishir: Zara is happy to see the island like a child.


Britha is arguing with Mim.


Nila: Let's go home first and see after that.


Shisira: If I talk too much, I will be scared at night.


Nila: Well ?? Then paradise ,,,,


Before Nila could say the whole thing, Shishir pressed her face.


Shisira: Let's go, the heat of the sun will increase after a while.


Everyone is going to their resort, and there is only one song in their mouth, "One day there will be a holiday..we will go for a walk..I will spend my day happily under the grass in the blue sky .." Everyone came to the resort to sing.


Shishir: This is the key to everyone's room.


Mim: There are only 4 keys here.


Shisira: Yes, Mim, Mauli, Nila in a room, I Sanvi in ​​a room, Mahi, Jannat, Nazia in a room, and Shihab and Raj in a room.


Nila: What would happen if I took a room for everyone ??


Shisira: Would it have been fun to have a picnic then?


Sabai got ready in just 5 minutes and set out on a trip to the island.


Shishir: Well, after seeing the island, we will go in search of food.


Mim: What food is not brought from home ??


No whistle.


Mahihki pabi on this island ??


Shisir: There are many forest roosters on this island, and there is no shortage of fish.


Shihab: There are birds, there are dabs.


Sanvi: Well then what else to say ??


Shisira: After everyone starts working.


Please share.


Shisira: Well then, since Mauli is afraid of water, then I will go to Mahi and Mauli to catch fish, Mim Nila and Sanvi Jabi, looking for the forest rooster.

Shihab, Nazia Jabi for some wood, and Raj Jannat, Sanvi and I again Jab for some coconuts or fruits.


- Well, then everyone gets to work.


((Will continue))

Mistakes will be forgiven.

I will give the next part of the story very soon.

You will be well for so long, you will be healthy.

[[Allah Hafez]]

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$ 0.11 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Freelancer143
3 years ago
