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3 years ago

I am drawing the attention of freelancers to wake up at night. Lately, many of us are going to the doctors with the physical degradation of many freelancers. Again, many doctors, after seeing and asking, do you take drugs or do freelancing? Many people spend their days taking ordinary medicine without aiming at the body and never take any medicine again. We all know the horror of waking up at night regularly, the seeds of all complex diseases are waking up at night, but the world is struggling to make a living. There is also a saying that success does not come without nightmares. However, there are problems and solutions. I will tell all my brothers and sisters that there is still time to become healthy. I have many known freelancers who are now suffering from illness and are working unemployed or on low pay. We lost many at a young age. Gastric or peptic ulcer: It is a common disease of freelancers. Do not take any medicine for gastric ulcer. Eat hot water lemon and 1 teaspoon of vinegar on an empty stomach. Eat something after 30 minutes. In time you will become paralyzed without medication. We all eat rice but if you don't have 3/4 teaspoon of rice (wood, cashew, pistachio, walnut, Chinese almond powder together) but you will get the best nutritious food in the world. At the end of the meal, eat 3/4 dates, 20/25 black raisins. Avoid drinking cold water after meals, drink lukewarm water. And do not eat stale food at all. Refrain from eating nonsense. Eat black coffee before going to work. Do light exercise regularly, the body will be better. If there is any physical problem, do not take medicine, the disease can be prevented by eating nutritious food and living. Give a little of your time to religious work. Smoking, drugs give temporary peace but bring down the wailing in life. It will take time to get used to it but I believe freelancers will not find it so bad.

"Remember that the quality of life of freelancers is not like that of ordinary people. Not everyone wakes up at night, sweats their brains, and struggles to survive in the international market."


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3 years ago
