Bela furabar agay

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Avatar for Freelancer143
3 years ago

#Bela_furabar_agay ♥ ️ ♥

🖌️Arif Azad ... 6

- Eye disease ... 6

♦ ️




- Once with a friend: I went to Islamia Eye Hospital.

Putting a gauntlet on my eye, the doctor said, ‘Look ahead.

I looked to the front. He said, ‘What do you see?

‘Some English letters ....

Read them.

The corners of the English letters hanging from the pendulum on a galactic chalk-plate in front of me are very small,

Again the corner is too big. It should be very difficult to read this alphabet of six-large and medium size.

If you have eye problems, you have to suffer a lot. Basically, they have been arranged in this way to determine if there is a problem in the corner of the eye.

But I have to read the alphabet

There was no difficulty in the corner. I fell into them with a sigh.

The gentleman sitting next to me took the gaggle out of my eyes and said-

‘You see it better in my eyes than in mine.

What are you here for?

‘Routine check-up ..!

‘Regularize ... 6


Then ... that

Hey, I started today ..!

The gentleman listened to me and laughed




- The state-of-the-art equipment of Islamia Eye Hospital did not find any problem in my eyes.

A doctor with a large degree in eye treatment also saw my eyes and said that my eyes are healthy.

Sophisticated instruments of science and doctors with degrees do not find problems in my eyes, but I know how sick my eyes are.

I have a strange disease in my eyes.! The instruments here do not have the ability to detect that disease.

Even a doctor's prescription or good power glasses will never cure the disease.

Sophisticated instruments will not find this disease in any part of the world, because,

The center of this disease is not the cornea of ​​the eye, but the heart.

Not being able to see with the naked eye is a problem, but not a very serious problem.

In the world, the eye is probably the most faithful part of deception. Divya sees with her eyes কত how many people kill another person by keeping an eye on her.

How easy it is to see with the naked eye and lie with the eyes, interest with the sight of the eyes

And the bribe money fills the pockets by counting.

They think they have good luck in their eyes. Is it true eye health to be able to see only with the eyes ..?

Umm Maktum, may Allah be pleased with her.

Blind Companions. The convenience of seeing the world with the naked eye

From he was deprived.

However, was he really blind ..? Really what he is

Can't see with your eyes?

If not, how did he find the purest ala emanating from the cave of Hera?

How did you recognize the truth that came through the sky?

In what way did he recognize the supernatural being who came to illuminate the world?

But does blindness mean not seeing ..?

But what people do in any other way, other than the eyes

Can you see through the corner ..? So which way is it ..? Which medium ..?


♦ ️



-Yes, that medium is the eye of the heart. The eyes that are in the chest

Yes, the world is never dark for him.

Healthy skin eyes where they see nothing but pitch darkness,

The introspection sees the glittering ala there.

The skin of Sahabi Umm Maktum (may Allah be pleased with her) did not shine, but the light in her eyes did not allow her to be truly blind.

That light found the right path. He found the absolute holy truth, the name of that truth is Tauhid. Unitarianism. One God. One God.

On the other hand, think of Abu Jahl or Abu Lahab. They could see everything in the world with their external eyes, but their inner eyes were dead.

Their skinny eyes were damn healthy. But the eye that was busted, that eye was lightless.

Outwardly they could see everything in the world, but they could not see the light of the sky.

The spark of the earth that has reddened the path of the earth, the valley of the desert-musk,

The message of that Ala could not reach the chamber of their hearts.

Their intuition was dead. They could not recognize the truth as the eyes of the heart were dead. The divine on the horizon could not find them


What is the difference between external vision and intuition, isn't it ..?


Whenever I see a beautiful girl on campus, I say, dude, I haven't had a crush on such and such.

Eating crush means going crazy seeing the girl's face. Imagine being asked to put a blue sari on the lalna's hut, and I could tie a red cloth around the bull's eyes for Tayma.

The world is looking for either.

I can bring one hundred and eight blue lotuses. In my imagination I became Shahjahan and he is my mumtaz.

I spent my nights thinking about that crash.

During the day, my mind wandered to see him at a glance -

In my eyes, she is the Manalisa. Aphrodite, the goddess of fairy tales, began to stir my mind as soon as I saw her.

I then hum the poet anxiously ...

You're beautiful, so I want you dear, is she my mother's crime ... 🔘

♦ ️



-Before we make ourselves poets, can't we go back to the Qur'an once ..?

We believe that the Qur'an is ours

Provision of life.

Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

Say to the believers that they are angry with me

Tell the believing men to restrain their gaze .... (1)

I need to know, I was not allowed to stare at strangers in the corner.


It is said in the hadith, if you look at a woman in a corner, take it back immediately. Don't forget to look up for the second time ..... (2)

Because, in the second look, there is Satan's plot.

Satan then plots in his mind and causes him to commit various kinds of sins.

According to a saheeh hadeeth, once during the journey from Muzdalifah to Mina -

Al-Fadl ibn Abbas was looking at a woman repeatedly.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) saw it

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) turned his neck with his own hand .... (3)

Verse 19 of Surah Al-Muminin:

Where it is said, “The betrayal of the eyes and

He knows what the hearts conceal:

Explaining this verse, Ibn 'Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "The verse refers to a person who goes to a corner of the house and repeatedly looks at the beautiful woman of that house. Whenever he sees this deed, he lowers his eyes." Then,

When he gets the chance again, he looks at that beautiful woman again .... (4)

Notice that looking at a woman again and again, looking back, it is called Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala ...

The betrayal of the eyes says ... that

# Vaccine-

1 =

Surah Noor, verse: 30

2 =

Sunanu Abi Dawood - 2151

The standard hadith is acceptable.

3 =

Sunanu Abi Dawood: 1811

Value- The hadith is acceptable

4 =

Tafsir Ibn Kathir,

Note the commentary of verse 19 of Surah Mumin

♦ ️



- "Betrayal" means someone has something in your possession but you have either misused it or misappropriated it -

The eye is one of the treasures given by Allah.

When we see something wrong with that deposit, it is not a betrayal ...

If it is not a secret to Allah to look at a woman hiding or stealing in a corner, then what will happen to us who are drowning in the sea of ​​thoughts after eating the new ‘crush’?

What we call a crash is what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) called adultery.


Then the way.? Insight, I live with a huge anger, what is the way to cure the disease ..?

The mountain of lust, rooted in the mind, of the devil

What is the prescription to purify the heart that has been deceived and defiled ..?

Taqwa if prescription. Fear of God. Fear God,

Inside the mind ... these words of Allah uttered in Surah Jilal .....

I do the work of a particle; How are you Whoever does a small particle does not inherit

Therefore, if someone does an atomic amount of good work, he will see it (on the Day of Judgment)

Will get

Again, if someone does an atomic amount of bad deeds, he will also see .... (2)

The girl I'm crushing on today, the woman I'm having fun with today, is going up in my diary.

Every moment of my life is recorded in the blue world that I am traveling with the help of mobile and computer.

Going to an invisible diary.

The state-of-the-art facility of Islamia Eye Hospital

Maybe this anger will no longer be taken into account, but on the Day of Resurrection all my deeds will be presented. From Browser History ... 7

1 =

Sahih Bukhari: 6243, 612; Sahih Muslim: 2657

2 =

Sura Jilal, verses: 7-8


♦ ️



-Everything will be presented to me, from wandering the forbidden site with a single click, to the sin of thinking about that crash on campus.

The only way to escape from this anger is to repent. To ask God for forgiveness in taxes.

To swear not to be involved in such sins.

After all,

Seeking guidance from Allah by shedding tears in the obligatory prayers and tahajjud prayers.

That great Lord has blessed me with blessings like the eyes,

- To bow down in his court with fervent complaints .... ♥ ♥


- The sixth episode is over ... 6

-Share the post more and more, spread it from loved ones to loved ones ...

-The book is being written as it is, there may be some mistakes while typing, I hope you will look at it with a beautiful look and I am requesting nice comments and suggestions ....

-You will light the true torch-bring new fagun-

The light of Hera is calling to you, O young man ....

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Avatar for Freelancer143
3 years ago
