Look at the light within you... you are enlightened

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1 year ago

How to get positive energy.

The energy in our body decreases in a frightening way, and this is reflected in the behavior of the person, as his mood is sour, and he becomes anxious and tired.
This motivates a person to search for ways to get rid of what is in him
Hence, we review a set of medically proven tips and ways to get positive energy.
1/ Optimism about the arrival of all that is good and contentment with the will of God
2/ Stay away from irritable and nervous people
3 / Not to be in noisy and uncomfortable places
4 / Clean the chest from feelings of hate, hatred and forgiving others

How do we expel negative energy from the house?

In some simple ways, we can expel negative energy from our homes and restore an atmosphere of comfort and relaxation. Below we will introduce you to these methods:

1- Ventilate your home daily:

Closing windows and doors all the time generates great negative energy, so it is very necessary to ventilate your house daily, especially during the morning period, to allow sunlight to penetrate into the rooms, and this will provide great positive energy in the house, and it will expel negative energy.

2- Get rid of useless things:

Storing useless things, whether they are clothes, kitchen utensils, or furniture, generates negative energy. Get rid of them or donate them if they are in good condition. The empty space in your home increases, making it easier for positive energy to enter the house. He. She.

3- Put a peace lily in your home.

The peace lily is a wonderful houseplant that can be used for ornamental purposes and as an essential complement to home decor, as well as its great role in expelling negative energy and generating positive energy, and for best results, place it near windows.

4- Use Epsom salt:

Epsom salt can be used to expel negative energy, add salt to cleaning water and mop the floor of the house, or sprinkle it on window edges, corners of rooms, and in front of the main house door, absorbing salt. Negative energy, allowing positive energy to spread.

5- Distribution of mirrors in the rooms:

Mirrors give a beautiful view of home decor, and they are one of the ways that help expel negative energy and bring positive energy, so distribute them in the living room and salon, preferably on the other side of the windows so that they reflect light. And spread the sun's rays inside the house.

6- Place the furniture facing north:

Energy experts say that the direction of the energy of the planet is towards the north, so you should be careful to arrange the furniture, especially your bed, towards the energy of the universe towards the north in order to expel negative energy from your home, and get a great positive energy.

7- Pay attention to the entrance to the house:

You should take good care of the entrance to the house because it is the main place from which you can expel negative energy, so we advise you to put a big mirror in the entrance to bring positive energy and decorate it with some green plants like orchids, bamboo stalks, flowers.

8- Perfume the house with incense:

It is very important to use incense, as it imparts a pleasant aroma as well as making the place calm and relaxing. Studies have confirmed that it is able to expel negative energy. All you have to do is perfume all the rooms of the house with it and open the windows to let the negative energy escape.

9- Clean your house daily.

As we talked earlier, dust, dirt and grime allow negative energy to be present in the house, so be sure to remove it, clean floors, surfaces and bathrooms, put scattered things in order, this will help to bring positive energy, and thus feel comfortable.

10- Get rid of the symbols of sadness:

If your house has pictures, paintings or drawings that contain sad scenes, get rid of them, they bring negative energy, and replace them with cheerful and colorful paintings and decorations, this helps to bring positive energy and joy to your home.

11- Get rid of the thorns:

Energy experts say thorns bring negative energy and deplete positive energy because they have a lot of pointed tips so they should be discarded. Also, dried plants and flowers that are sometimes kept for remembrance symbolize death, so be sure to throw them away.

12- Choose the appropriate and comfortable decoration:

In order to expel negative energy, choose a comfortable and appropriate decor. This helps in replenishing positive energy within the home. For example, you can add a fish tank, some fresh and natural flowers, soft lighting, and pictures of nature to the decor. As for the furniture and paint,

How do you make ideas come to you, and how do you help your mind to be inspired by innovative new ideas?
How do you get a great torrent of inspiration and innovative ideas?

Focus on me
Always think right
Positive thinking brings you wonderful positive thoughts that help you what you think
Focus on your goal, on your dream.
What do I need to achieve this goal
Always ask the right question

Cosmic Law: Focusing on something, feeling feelings for it, and making this thing the focus of your thinking, it increases and increases, and thoughts always come to you about it, whatever that thing is.

How many times have you been afraid of something, and the fear of that thing occupied all your concentration and all your senses, then this thing happened to you unfortunately, and it got worse??
This is because you were focusing on what you fear and what you fear
And your feelings were filled with fear and dread of this thing

Focusing on negative matters increases negativity and exacerbates it, and makes you do things without knowing that make the situation worse, and innovative ideas attack you in a negative direction.
They said a long time, who is afraid of the sprite will come out to him.. a true saying

For this reason, only the one who fears envy is always affected by envy, and he sleeps full of feelings of terror and fear of envy and the envious.

How many times did you focus on succeeding in something, and success occupied all your focus, and your feelings were filled with optimism, comfort and hope, then you actually succeeded, praise be to God?
This is because you have been focusing on what you want, what you wish and desire
Your feelings were filled with confidence, strength, reassurance and certainty

Focusing on positive things increases them positively and develops them, and makes you always do things without knowing that the situation will improve and progress, and you will be bombarded with wonderful creative ideas in a positive direction.

For this reason, he who trusts in God and knows for sure that God will protect him from the evil of the envious will never become envious, and he who strengthens himself with the aphorisms and verses specific to this topic, and focuses on safety and divine protection, and feels psychological comfort, contentment and happiness because he is under God’s protection

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Sources :


#The subconscious_mind and its balance

#Energy science

Freedom bird

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1 year ago


In my country no matter how you try to do almost all of this your day if you go out will always be ruined by someone, you try as much as possible to see the light within you so that you can be enlightened then boom someone that they have sworn for will want to ruin that quiet peace of mind you are trying to have.

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1 year ago