Rewiring your anxious mind to get out of the rat race
The good thing about anxiety is that majority comes from our thoughts, it's not like a chemical reaction or chemical imbalances, it's just the thought in our head and if it's a thought, that means it's a good thing and therefore we can easily change it anytime but it might not happen right away but gradually it starts changing.....
Anxiety is mainly a sort of fear of something happening in the future and the beautiful thing about we human is that we can imagine the future and at the same time we can be creative but with that also we can also think of things that happened in the past and also the bad things happening in the world and how the world might come to end at anytime.
If we listen to lyrics of 10yrs, 20yrs,30yrs 40 to 60 years ago and we would realize that some of them have actually predicted the world will come to an end in 69 years time and now we are still alive and also I'm pretty sure we all do this also, we imagine the good and sometimes we also imagine the bad as well.
Getting out of the rat race system or normal system in life is all about how we think, what we were thought was that we need to go to school, get into college, get a degree and work for somebody and start paying bills and finally get married and give birth and eventually die someday.... If we really consider our self and ask ourselves the genuine questions of is this the life what we actually want and I'm sure 0ver 98% will definitely say no.
When it comes to the rat race, stop for a moment and consider who came up with the idea of working Monday through Friday and from 9 am to 5 pm, have you got any idea?... It was invented by Henry Ford in 1900; a simple individual simply suggested the idea, and I don't know about you, but someday I wouldn't continue this habit.
I want to do something different and not towards the negative side and I also want to be in control of my life and whatever I do, for us to just live our life based on the idea of one human over a 100 years ago, just doesn't make any sense to me at all..... But what happens is that, we all just go for it and we all say, well that's what I'm meant to do and this is how life works and that's not how it should be.
Have you ever gone out like in the afternoon during working days and you still see people outside and Definitely, for them to be out by this time, they are definitely making money from somewhere or somehow without them being in the office sitting down and spending the entire day in an enclosure.... And if they can do that, why can't I do like that also because I want that freedom of a thing because it's really interesting.
Freedom is really essential, but not everyone prioritizes it. I want to be wealthy, and my idea of being wealthy should not involve that I'll still have to commute to work every day from 9am to 5pm, My personal definition of success is to be able to do what I want, when I want, and with whom I want. That's all, and that covers everything. However, I desire that kind of riches that would ensure my freedom.
While it's true that we all desire wealth, what we really desire is the freedom to enjoy socializing with friends without having to worry about costs, and it also includes choosing a trip of your choice without being constrained by costs and engaging in a variety of activities that we really want to participate without being constrained by expenses and time.
Thanks for reading ❤️
Rat race.... I don't want to live my life with such mindset of waking up early to beat the traffic on my way to work and still close late at night, all because I want to make money that might not even be enough for me. I want to stay in my own space while I do things I love as it generates money for me.