5 reasons why bitcoin is 'not an asset class', nor 'a suitable investment'... (possible click bait)

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Bitcoin whose appreciation is primarily dependent on whether someone else is willing to pay a higher price for it, does not make it a suitable investment...

five reasons why investors should shy away from #bitcoin

  • Bitcoin does not generate cash flow like bonds.

  • Bitcoin does not generate any earnings through exposure to global economic growth.

  • Bitcoin does not provide consistent diversification benefits given its unstable correlations.

  • Bitcoin does not dampen volatility given historical volatility of 76%.

  • Bitcoin does not show evidence of hedging against inflation.

Additionally, you may find trading cryptocurrencies appealing because of their high volatility, that alone does not constitute a viable investment rationale.

So now I've got you all worked up, just waiting to get to the bottom of this blog so you can slate my reasons above. Let me now give you 11 reasons why #btc could well be the answer to a lot of the current worlds financial problems.

It IS a new asset class.
Asset classes, or areas of investment, have traditionally included stocks, bonds, and, more recently, entities such as real estate. Now cryptocurrency has been added to that list, with Bitcoin gaining momentum and recognition as a completely new asset class. With companies such as Bakkt bringing institutional investing in Bitcoin to the mainstream, it will likely show up in pension funds and on the recommendations of investment advisors in the near future.

It performs independently of other markets.
When the stock market drops, Bitcoin remains unscathed. That may be a blanket statement, but it’s not an inaccurate one. Of course, that shouldn’t come as a huge surprise. After all, the very creation of Bitcoin came as a response to the stock market crash, the bursting of the real estate bubble, and an overall distrust in traditional money systems. But for today’s investors, that separation correlates to better risk management and a more diverse portfolio.

It’s not subject to the same inflation and devaluation as FIAT.
What will your salary buy next year? Or even next week? If you live in Venezuela, Sudan, Argentina, or Zimbabwe, the answer is “not much” thanks to hyperinflation. But the devaluation of fiat currency (that is, government backed currency, such as the Euro or Yen) is a global problem. Countries in Eastern Europe have an inflation rate of over 3%, and even the United States has an inflation rate above the 2% target goal set by the US Federal Reserve. The finite nature of Bitcoin (only a certain number of coins can ever be issued) means the currency manages to avoid that problem. Add to that the fact that the Bitcoin reward for mining a block is halved every four years, and the rate of inflation actually decreases over time. When the next Bitcoin halving occured in May 2020, the rate of inflation dropped to 1.8%, meaning it will be stronger than the US dollar.

It’s a great store of value.
Is Bitcoin digital gold? The cryptocurrency has often been compared to gold with good reason:

  • it’s a universal currency that’s not controlled by any one government or entity;

  • it’s difficult to mine;

  • it exists in a limited supply, which increases its value.

And because, as I mentioned above, it’s not subject to the same inflation as fiat currency, it also doesn’t depreciate, making it an excellent store of value.

Easily transportable
What makes it better than gold? Unlike gold, Bitcoin is digital. Whereas gold becomes cumbersome in large quantities, Bitcoin is easy to keep and transport in both small and large amounts. 0.25 BTC and 25 BTC can be stored in the same cryptocurrency wallet.

It can’t be confiscated.
In many countries, your fiat currency can be frozen by the bank or your assets can be seized by the government with little to no warning. Cryptocurrency is different. It’s not controlled by a central bank or government, which means that if you hold your Bitcoin wallet keys, only you have access to and control over your money, with no government intervention possible.

The infrastructure around it is in hyper-growth.
Bitcoin is no longer just the dream of a group of economic anarchists. As the benefits of blockchain technology continue to prove themselves, companies such as Visa, Fidelity, and Square are finding ways to integrate Bitcoin solutions into their products, and even the big banks themselves, including Bank of America and Wells Fargo, are experimenting with blockchain, driving the infrastructure into hyper-growth.

It’s called the Honey Badger for a reason.
Bitcoin isn’t controlled by any one entity, making it impossible to restrain. It was created and is controlled by a peer network, with no one government or entity at the helm. Because it is universal , government bans, regulations, and restrictions can only go so far, and at the end of the day, Bitcoin will perform like the force of nature that it is. It’s what makes Bitcoin a new financial system, one that’s by the people and for the people, and the key to economic freedom.

It will make you question what you already know. (And that’s a good thing.)
When was the last time you thought about where your money comes from or about who controls its value? If you’re like the majority of "sheeple", not recently. The existence of money in its current form is something we take for granted, whether we have a lot of it or not. But cryptocurrency upends our assumptions, showing us that governments don’t have to be in control of our funds, that money doesn’t have to be stored in banks, and that currency can be immune to hyperinflation and corruption.

It will make you want to know more.
Fiat currency is old news. And once our assumptions about how money works are turned over, we can’t help but be driven by a hunger for knowledge. Bitcoin will make you ask why we’ve been willing to settle for fiat until now. It will make you want to understand how the blockchain works, and why a financial revolution is necessary. And it’s important to know these things; after all, Bitcoin is the money of the future.

It will most likely appreciate in value.
The price fluctuations that Bitcoin has experienced in the last few years leaves many people saying that Bitcoin is too volatile to count on. But while price volatility has certainly led to dramatic spikes and drops, most notably in 2017-2018, Bitcoin’s overall arc has followed an undeniably upward trajectory. In other words, if you hold it long enough, the probability of appreciation in value is higher than any other asset class in the past 11 years.

So as I was saying earlier, DO NOT buy bitcoin.... Leave it all for me!

$ 0.00


These are just a few of the reasons given by the CEO of Goldman Sachs to refuse BTC as asset class. It is a long story and serious.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

My only gripe would be that as a store of value... kinda sucks. Now, I'm not suggesting it's USELESS as a store of value, just saying that BTC lacks a lot of what traditional stores of value have, such as stability over time. It's hard to get that with an inherently deflationary, fixed supply crypto. The price (assuming adoption continues) will only go up. and down a bit. And up again.

It was the OG, so there's that respect. But I kinda see other stuff increasing in value overtime in terms of utility, if not price.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

its preety great but its cant pump above 9500$ if its break 9500$ its stop on 10500$

$ 0.00
3 years ago

A statement that is true and very can be said who is late he loses. Haahahaha, crypto will progress faster in the future. A very good way in an article, this good.

$ 0.00
3 years ago