Know yourself well

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2 years ago
Topics: Identity

A major cause of frustration is not knowing yourself properly. We lie to ourselves either out of ignorance of the truth or because we resist it. Do you feel trapped in a life that doesn't make you feel 100% happy? Take the red pill and wake up once from that nightmare in which you have been immersed for so many years. You have to rethink whether the foundations that sustain your life are correct or not. Why? Because if the foundations are not adequate, the whole building will wobble and, in time, it will eventually collapse. You should ask yourself a series of questions and try to answer them honestly. If you could be reborn, what profession would you choose? What activity would you be willing to do without charging a penny in return? Doing what activity do you feel happy? What capabilities do I have? What skills or talents do I have that set me apart from most? What things do I do better and faster than most? Do I want to do that because I really like it or because I want to earn someone else's recognition? Do I want such a thing because I like it or because it is well seen by society? What is my definition of a successful life? And of a happy life? To answer these questions you need to take time to reflect and have a lot of courage, because some answer can dismantle your whole life from top to bottom. But lying to yourself and living a sham is never going to bring you happiness, and if you are not happy, what the hell does the rest matter to you. I personally would not want to be on my deathbed saying to myself: “What the hell have I done with my life! What the hell did I care what other people thought of me or what society considered a successful life ”. Think about it, because here lies the heart of the matter.

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Identity
