A better version of Myself

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2 years ago

When I was young, I used to be good and passionate about things. I feel very motivated and confident because of how good I am.

I am musically inclined, great analytical and reasoning skills, very good in mathematics and very committed in all things that I am doing. Many people from my school trusted me and let me compete in several competitions and giving me awards.

That time, I feel like I'm the best, best in everything I do, I feel like that there's no one is better than me, even myself, I feel like I don't need practice and trainings because I already know it all. No knowledge can go higher than my knowledge in what I do.

But as I grow older, I have noticed that my skills and talents that I was good and passionate about is slowly fading away. My music career come to an end, I eventually stop doing music; My analytical and reasoning skills are not as competitive as before; my love for mathematics is still there, but I cannot perform what is expected.

At some point in my life back then, I was questioning myself, "what is happening to you?", And I always look at myself in the mirror and having thoughts of why is all that I'm good at became a nightmare to me. I feel like I'm not motivated anymore and the confidence just disappeared.

As I go on in my life, when I graduated college, I applied for a job, but I'm having a hard time finding one because of lack of skill, skills that I'm used to being good at, skills that I was passionate about. I'm so down and lost all the hopes, but because I already have a family to feed, I really need to earn money, that is why even if it's heartbreaking for me, I applied being a wood cutter, but the job that I thought was bad for me, gave me a real life lesson.

The owner give me a very sharp axe and let me start immediately. The first day, I was really efficient in the work, the owner was very happy in me because I can cut ten trees a day; in the second day, same effort I exert as the first day, same number of hours in work, but I only cut eight trees; in the third day, same effort I exert as the first and second day, same number of hours in work, but I only cut 6 trees; so on and so forth. I was wondering and asked myself, "why is it, everyday I exert exact the same effort and number of hours at work but the number of trees I cut everyday is decreasing?". And there as I always think of the reason, I realized that the reason behind that is I am not sharpening my axe, that's why the efficiency of it's performance also decreases.

After I realized that, I also remembered that, the reason why I became not good to the things I used to be good and passionate about is, I was not sharpening my brain and skills, I became stagnant and contented. I have to sharpen myself again with knowledge and training in order to be good again.

So, I resigned from being a wood cutter, thank the owner so much and then start working again with what I love to do. I did some reinforcements within myself, use experience, be wiser in all the things that I do and start sharpening Myself not just for a day, but every single day to become much better everyday and not feeling the same thing as before of being worthless.

I am very thankful for my experience working as a wood cutter because it made me realize what did go wrong recently and mold me to become a better person.

Sometimes in life, we need to go out of the box, we need to try something new in order to unleash some potentials in us and realize some things that we already have.

Also we should be over - confident to ourselves to the extent that we think we are really good at something, so we will not do some trainings and review in that particular thing. It will really destroy our growth, like what happened to me, it is over - confidence, thinking that I already know it all.

Becoming better meaning we are making ourselves grow. That is why, today I am hustling hard, do everything with my heart, strive harder everyday, and because of all this hardwork, I achieve positive things in life, and I feel fulfilled in my life.

Recently, the old Me made me feel that I'm good at everything, I thought at that point I am the best version of Myself, but everyday is an opportunity that we can make ourselves better. So strive hard everyday!

Train. Review. Reflect

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Written by
2 years ago
