Simple marriage

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3 years ago

Today is Mr. Sobhan's second marriage. The second marriage is not as pompous as the first marriage of a man. The same has happened in the case of Mr. Sobhan. There is no rosary in marriage, there is no music, simple marriage!

Tarin, of course, wanted her father's wedding to be very organized. Let the people fill the house at the wedding. Along with Sanai Bazar, yellow flies on my cousin. Let Tarin's two younger brothers and sisters 'Raudra' and 'Rodela' run around in joy. The responsibility that she had hoped to fulfill as the eldest daughter was no longer fulfilled.

Mr. Sobhan has been serious since morning on the wedding day. Never before had he been seen to be so serious. He used to smile with open mind when his first wife Shahnaz was alive. The sound of laughter could be heard from the tea shop in front of the house. In the morning, he would read the important news of the newspaper aloud to everyone in the house. He used to invite his relatives to a big market on Fridays. Now he doesn't smile anymore, he doesn't talk without need. Suddenly he called his eldest daughter 'Taru' and 'Taru' and didn't say like before, "Mamuni, if you don't have any work, give me a cup of tea!"

Beautiful times have become beautiful, days have changed. One year and two months have passed since the death of Shahnaz Begum. Mr. Sobhan also forgot his wife's grief and agreed to a second marriage.

Tarin darkened her eyes today. She gave a light pink lipstick on her lips. He did the same today as he used to do when he went home to get married. Whether it is his father's marriage, what does it matter? He opened the drawer of the cupboard and pulled out his mother's small earrings. The green shawl was wrapped around her body with her mother's favorite black sari. Now the smell of mother's body is slowly coming to her nose.

The clarinet is playing outside. Who gave the news to the people of Sanai? There is no doubt that Tarin's uncle has done this. Maj. Fufu is a cheerful, funny man. The level of her humor is so intense that on the second day of her husband's death, she was seen laughing with her neighbors. But Tarin doesn't know how true that is. Today is my cousin's wedding.

Mild winter of Ashwin month. But it is raining drizzle like the month of Ashar. A storm is raging inside Tarin's heart. At that moment, he came out of the house and said, "Uncle Baba has come with his wife or not?"

My uncle said, "Wow! Tarin, you look so beautiful. Why didn't you put a tip on your forehead? You wore a red tip with a black sari."

Tarin laughed and said, "Why is my uncle just playing the clarinet? Where's the band party?"

My uncle said in an encouraging voice, "I like that you accept everything so easily, Tarin. If there was any other girl in your place, I would have quarreled with my uncles and aunts. I would have spit on my father."

"The one whose life is over is gone, uncle. That is why life will not stop. A father is a man who needs peace both mentally and physically."

My uncle looked at Tarin with a yes and said, "I think you have grown up all of a sudden, Tarin. How old are you now?"

"The fifteenth of September will be nineteen years old."

"As soon as Raudra and Rodela adopt 'Nilima', I will see a good boy for you too."

"Do you understand our new mother's name, Nilima?"


"Beautiful name. Our old mother's name was 'Shahnaz'. Old mother's old day name. New mother's name is also new." - He smiled strangely.

Mr. Sobhan's wedding car drove away in the middle of his aunt's talk with Tarin. Tarin once looked at her father's wedding car and kept an eye on her mother's graveyard in the distance. His eyes widened.

After 'Neelima Begum' became a wife, Tarin stopped talking to her father unnecessarily. He did not remember when he had said anything other than the money for the semester of the varsity. Although time has passed, she is unable to give her pregnant mother's place to anyone else. When Raudra and Rodela call each other Ammu, her whole body goes into a trance. Rodela is one year younger than Raudra and Tarin is nine years older than Raudra. Shahnaz Begum has been ill since the birth of Rodella. There was no disease left that did not take up residence in his body. He used to go to school with small children in that sick body, from there he would take them to study with a private tutor. When he came home, he used to do all the chores including cooking.

Tarin has been a girl of bad temper and lazy nature since childhood. Sometimes it was very difficult for him to pour a glass of water. I would go to college without breakfast in the morning. Twelve-one would play while eating dinner. Shahnaz Begum used to ask her eldest daughter to take care of her body due to her sick throat, she used to ask her brothers and sisters to inquire about their studies, she used to ask them to do small chores in the house. He never listened to that seriously!

But today he can do everything alone. He has been bringing Rodela and Raudra to school for a year.

To be continued..

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3 years ago


You have great writing skillšŸ˜³

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