Fulfill your destiny

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2 years ago

Fate and destiny are two sides of the same coin in that they are both predestined. But the most essential thing to remember is that life is full with possibilities. Fulfilling our destiny entails consciously steering our lives in a specific direction. While this implies that we have control and choice subjectively (to the ego), there is no such thing objectively because the concepts of "me" and "you" do not exist (except in the mind).

As a result, the answer to the question "do we have control?" is contradictory: we do and we don't. However, while we are still operating on the level of having a feeling of self (ego), it is critical that we attempt to step up and take charge of our fate.

How to Achieve Your Goals

You are fulfilling your destiny as long as you are intentionally seeking to learn, grow, and spiritually progress. If you wish to reach your full potential, though, you might benefit from the following advice:

Develop self-awareness. There are numerous free resources available (including this website) that can assist you in better understanding who you are.

Find out what you're really interested in. What sets your heart ablaze? What thrills and excites you? What do you admire and like doing the most? Make sure you keep doing what makes you happy.

Surround yourself with individuals who will encourage and inspire you. Critics and judgemental people frequently instill in us a great deal of self-doubt. We sometimes actually listen to these unsupportive people who tell us how to "live our lives," which leads us down the wrong path in life. Identify negative influences in your life and eliminate or decrease interaction with them. Seek for companions who are nice, motivating, and empathic.

Allow yourself to leave your comfort zone. The most significant life changes frequently occur when we make courageous decisions. Sometimes fulfilling your purpose necessitates a small amount of discomfort or perhaps a terrible leap of faith. In any event, pay attention to your gut instincts while still employing rationality when appropriate.

Determine your limiting beliefs. We experience wrath, insecurity, sadness, embarrassment, and worry when we trust our thoughts. When it comes to fulfilling one's destiny, the most common roadblock is one's underlying beliefs. The primary concepts we have about ourselves that we have been conditioned to think since birth are our core beliefs.

Seek assistance from others. You don't have to go it alone on your path. Seek advice from a loved one, a counselor, or a spiritual teacher if you need it. People who have walked this route before you can offer a wealth of knowledge that will tremendously benefit you. When I'm in need of assistance, I like to say a simple prayer asking for direction. You don't have to pray to God; you can pray to Life, the Universe, Spirit, the Mystery, or whatever inspires you.

Make a list of all your skills and abilities. This easy exercise can assist you in directing your energy in a more productive and sustainable manner.

Keep in mind that setbacks are to be expected. There is no such thing as failure; only opportunities for learning exist. If something does not go your way, take a deep breath and remember that life may ask us to travel in a different direction at times.

Set objectives. Goals are clearly defined milestones that might assist you in being more organized and prioritizing your priorities.

Kindness to yourself is important. The more love and compassion you have for yourself, the closer you are to achieving your ultimate goal. Allow negative and critical ideas to pass without becoming attached to them.

Be true to yourself. There has never been another individual on the face of the earth who is exactly like you. Instead than trying to be like other people, see what comes easily to you. There are far too many people who imitate others. Be true to yourself. Experiment with your own personal style. Enjoy the freedom of not having to pretend to be someone you're not.

$ 2.45
$ 2.45 from @TheRandomRewarder
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Written by
2 years ago


Nice write up. Destiny and fate isn't necessarily the same. They have their own uniqueness

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Destiny is always been created.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes it is

$ 0.00
2 years ago