Does HE really wants you?

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2 years ago

Have you ever sat and daydreamed about a guy you admire while staring out the window? Imagine the two of you finally embracing, imagining how it would feel to kiss him and know he was yours? Do you ever wonder if he feels the same way about you as you do about him? Do you ever wonder if he thinks about you, if he considers you merely a buddy or someone he'd like to get to know better?

You're not alone, to be sure. There are millions of ladies who are in the same situation as you. They're all asking themselves the same question: Does he really desire me?

The problem in determining whether or not a man actually desires you stems from how varied men can be. Getting the girl is all about the excitement of the chase and the thrill of the hunt for some men. Their instincts and desires lead them to relentlessly pursue women. When it comes to these kinds of men, it's obvious that they're after you. They don't try to hide it. They'll go to any length to find you; no distance is too great, and no hurdle is too tall for them to overcome.

This can be quite flattering at times - especially if you want them to want you. When it comes to guys that are too pushy, too persistent, and won't accept no for an answer, things can get a little stalkerish. It's all fun and games until your attitude toward women starts to resemble a prey drive.

Many women make the mistake of assuming that all men are like way, but this is just not true. They believe that a โ€˜real' man understands what he wants and would go to any length to obtain it. That's as naive as claiming that a "genuine" woman is subservient and always allows men to initiate things; it's simply not how the world works. There are plenty of self-assured ladies out there who wouldn't hesitate to tell a guy they like him. They're just as'real' as a woman who prefers to let men take the lead.

The truth is that many guys, especially if they really like you, are considerably more low-key. Sure, they could come in with guns drawn and pursue you openly, but what if that scared you away? Not every male will approach you like a Neanderthal, grunting at you, flirting terribly, and telling you what they want. In reality, guys who come on at you like this are considerably more likely to only be pursuing one thing (but not necessarily, of course).

Many men are more prone to keep their cool, mull things through, and take their time. They won't want to mess things up if they like you. They don't want you to believe they're simply interested in sex.

So, how can you know if a guy is truly interested in you? The truth is that it varies from person to person, but there are a few things that seem to happen when a guy is interested that can reveal his feelings.

Many men are more prone to keep their cool, mull things through, and take their time. They won't want to mess things up if they like you. They don't want you to believe they're simply interested in sex.

So, how can you know if a guy is truly interested in you? The truth is that it varies from person to person, but there are a few things that seem to happen when a guy is interested that can reveal his feelings.

Keep a watch on the way he interacts with others, particularly other women. There's undoubtedly a reason he talks to you differently than he does other women or in a different way than he does other women.

Is he staring at you a lot? Is there ever a time when you notice him staring at you? It's improbable that he's staring at you because of anything completely unrelated โ€” he's staring at you because he wants you.

Is he ever nervous when he's speaking with you? Does he, on the other hand, ever appear to be completely relaxed? This is true in both directions; if he's scared about you but not around other women, there's a reason. Because he's self-conscious and wants you to like him, you make him nervous. Similarly, if he's chilly around other women but extremely relaxed and fun around you, it's most likely because he's at ease in your company. He gets along well with you and prefers your company to that of others, indicating that he likes you.

In the end, it's up to you to figure out if a guy is truly interested in you. You must trust your inner feeling. Because there's no way to know for sure what's going on in someone's head, you have to trust your gut.

This can be aggravating, but it's all part of the love and life game. It's thrilling to be unclear, to play the game of "does he, or does he not?" If you can learn to see things in this light, you'll be able to explore a whole new realm of love possibilities. You'll only be able to figure out how a guy genuinely feels about you if you trust your gut.

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2 years ago


best strategy to flirt wife then ๐Ÿ˜‚

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2 years ago