Crypto Slang

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3 years ago

The crypto space is growing strong and evolving too fast and crypto terms are not excluded. Most people especially who are newcomers might be overwhelmed or might get confused when stumbling upon one. So let us name some crypto terms and define them one by one.

Common crypto terms

1. HODL - perhaps the most original cryptocurrency phrase – and the most exclusive to the blockchain business – originated in a drunken Bitcoin Forum thread where a trader going by the handle ‘GameKyuubi' misspelled his plan to keep rather than sell his profits.

2. Sats – short for satoshi, the smallest unit of Bitcoin. One Satoshi (0.00000001 BTC) is one hundred millionth of a Bitcoin.

3. Shill - A Shill is a person who creates a ruckus over a certain coin. Scammers in the business typically use this tactic to persuade people to acquire their currency or, if they already possess a currency that is declining, to convince them that xxx is the future Bitcoin.

4. Rekt - The word rekt means "to be entirely damaged and damaged." It would be a massive financial loss in cryptocurrency. It's a deliberate misspelling of the word "wrecked."

5. Shitcoin - A shitcoin is a cryptocurrency that, in the perspective of the holder, is a poor investment. The word is also applied to coins that do not have a specific function.

6. Whale - A bitcoin whale is a cryptocurrency word for someone or something who has a significant amount of bitcoin. Whales have a large enough bitcoin holding to be able to control currency prices.

7. FOMO - FOMO stands for "Fear Of Missing Out" in the context of cryptocurrency. FOMO is the worry that comes from thinking that other people are having a good time or having a one-of-a-kind experience. On the other hand, you are oblivious to what is going on around you.

8. Bagholder - An investor who, regardless of a coin's or token's success, continues to hold enormous sums of it.

9. Moon - A term that is frequently used as a verb to describe a cryptocurrency that is experiencing a strong upward market trend (mooning).

10. Altcoins- An altcoin is a digital money that competes with Bitcoin. The term "altcoin" is a combination of the words "alternative" and "coin." It truly refers to a collection of cryptocurrencies, and in the end, all cryptocurrencies that aren't Bitcoin.

11. Fork - A cryptocurrency fork is a change to the software that governs the distributed network that renders old rules valid or invalid, resulting in the creation of new Bitcoin versions.

12. FUD - an acronym that stands for "Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt." It is a method for influencing public perception of certain cryptocurrencies or the cryptocurrency market as a whole by disseminating unfavorable, misleading, or incorrect information about them.

13. DYOR - DYOR stands for "Do Your Own Research," and it refers to the process of conducting research prior to making a financial decision. Many manipulative people encourage others to buy cryptocurrencies in the hopes that the price will climb and they will be able to sell it for a profit.

14. ATH - The term "All Time High" refers to the highest value an investment has ever achieved in its history. Things can become insane when a bitcoin price passes an all-time high.

There are more lots of cryptocurrency terms that isn’t included on this list. So if you wanted to learn more about this, I strongly recommend that DYOR.

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3 years ago
