Positivity during tough times

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2 years ago

I've not been the most positive or happy or calm person that I can be in the past couple of days or week and although I've done a pretty good job at containing it inside and if it's not showing externally, it's still like mental turmoil, tornadoes or tsunamis going on inside me and it's not the best feeling. So let's talk about positivity even during tough times.

How to have a positive and grateful mind even at your lowest?

The first thing is to celebrate the small wins. For me, celebrating the fact that I'm alive, that I woke up this morning, that I'm breathing, that there's a roof over my head, there's food in my stomach and that I get the chance to write this article together to access to this thing called the internet or Wi-Fi and then be able to post it on read.cash so you guys can read this on your illuminating screen whether it's your phone or your laptop - it a win for me. It's like just saying that out loud and reminding myself of all the things that I already have versus all the things I want or all the things that I feel that I need it's already so reassuring, grounding and humbling. That there's so much beauty around us at all times. It's just what we're so fixated and stuck in our own heads, we forget that there's beauty, there's love and there's happiness and joy all around. It's because we really like to separate ourselves from that when we're so caught up in.

The second thing is to remember that it's all temporary life itself. Feelings that are positive, feelings that are negative , feelings it's impossible to feel one way all the time. It's impossible to be positive all the time, it's impossible to be productive all the time, it's impossible to be happy all the time and I think it's that unrealistic expectation we set for ourselves that like I need to be this all the time like I need to strive to be like X Y & Z all the time the discrepancy between what we want versus who we are as humans and the fact that it's not possible that discrepancy is what causes a lot of uneasiness and stress in our lives. Life comes in cycles and that you need to feel not good sometimes for you to break out of it eventually. It's kind of like in computer games. You need to struggle for a bit before you can level up. But struggling, pain and uncomfortableness and being uncomfortable is usually always good science that you're about to breakthrough in something awesome that's about to happen.

The third thing is to focus on what's most important. If you're able to take a step back and take yourself out of your head and just remind yourself of what's most important to you. So for me it's you know my family. I've been kind of socking recently and not doing this much. I'm not reading as much, I'm still trying and trying. Just taking a step back and reminding yourself of these things just me singing out loud just now has helped me so much to be like okay those are what's important to you.

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2 years ago


I always celebrate small wins. Celebrating means you have achieved something and you are getting closer to your big goals on life.

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2 years ago