Telegram: The New Platform for Crypto Onboarding

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4 months ago

Twitter and Discord for a long time were the go-to social platforms on which most cryptocurrency projects promoted themselves and attracted new users. However, there is an emerging trend where Telegram has become the new medium for onboarding the increasing number of people interested in crypto.

Telegram provides projects with a huge audience of over 500 million monthly active users who are ripe for discovery. Its built-in features for bots, channels and file-sharing have made it easier to onboard new members into crypto. This blog post explores how projects like Notcoin, Tapswap and Tronix are utilizing Telegram’s capabilities to onboard new users into crypto in an easy way that is engaging. These projects make this platform their entire hub pioneering it as a powerful tool to introduce people into cryptocurrency.

Notcoin Paved the Way by Simplifying Onboarding

Notcoin was one of the early adopters who saw potential for crypto onboarding within Telegram. Through an informative bot, Notcoin explained how their blockchain worked in a simple, interactive way without overwhelming users with technical jargon. Crucially, they enabled participation directly on Telegram where users mined Notcoins and withdrew earnings without needing separate wallets or accounts.

This streamlined process of onboarding took a “Telegram-only” approach. Instead of asking users to navigate foreign crypto interfaces, the users were brought on board through a familiar platform they already use. Notcoin’s success spoke for itself: in just several months, it has introduced more than 100 thousand new users into cryptocurrencies in such a simplified manner.

Following their example, many other start-ups have focused their onboarding campaigns around Telegram too. By doing everything within the Telegram platform natively and thereby allowing for this it was shown that barriers that previously hindered broader crypto adoption can be lowered. As such, they have paved the way for other projects to tap Telegram’s capabilities and simplify the onboarding like they did.

Tapswap is Following Notcoin's Footsteps

Tapswap which is a brand new cryptocurrency project built using telegram as its marketing channel followed suit after Notcoin. Tapswap will launch its “tap to mine” coin on the Solana Blockchain which boasts high performance levels. Funly intuitive bot created by Tapswap allows you to mine Tapcoins directly inside Telegram. 

And true to its name, the whole process simply involves repeatedly tapping your screen while watching your coin balance grow over time. Similarly as with Notcoin there are no separate wallet registration or crypto experience needed yet. It is also possible that people who have never worked with digital wallets before gain access through them.

Many people have been fascinated by this new “tap to mine” system. It is a viral thing- I once saw a woman who sells products in the market tapping away between customers! Many of my contacts over the last two weeks alone have become Telegram members just because they wanted to join Tapswap. 

Now, I see everyone around me tapping as well. This has made users share their experiences and high scores with others so that more people can join. The number of daily active users on Telegram has been growing steadily since Tapswap got introduced to the general public through this mind blowing way of theirs. 

Tapswap makes crypto easily accessible for new entrants and enjoyable too, making it a good example of how projects can engage mass audiences into blockchain using the user-friendly nature of Telegram. The fact that it’s expanding virally demonstrates the potency associated with this approach which is simple.

Tronix Following the Telegram only Model 

Tronix is another project that uses Telegram for onboarding. The Tronix project, like Notcoin and Tapswap, enables users to mine TRX and SHIB tokens directly through a Telegram bot in the familiar interface of Telegram. In this way, Tronix has been using this telegram-focused approach for some time now to allow its users to mine and withdraw tokens with ease.

Although it is free to mine on the platform, Tronix also has an option in which you can boost your account by increasing mining speed to earn more rewards. For instance, you can increase the mining process by paying 100 TRX which can either be paid from mining profits after earning enough or bought separately at an external exchange and then deposited into the Tronix app. It is similar to Tapswap except that boosts on the latter are paid for with coins earned through mining rather than an outside currency such as TRX.

Tronix is another demonstration of how the platform makes it simple to introduce people to crypto by replicating the Telegram-only onboarding model, which has proven so effective in attracting users. Hosting the entire process within Telegram streamlines the experience for newcomers in a seamless, accessible way.


Telegram’s role as a force in onboarding cryptoc newbies is evident from projects such as Notcoin, Tapswap, and Tronix. The platforms have simplified the introduction to cryptocurrency through a complete mining and transactional experience natively built upon familiar telegram platforms. 

It is an undeniable fact that no other platform can be said to have succeeded as much in reducing entrance barriers to crypto. People can get their first exposure to blockchain ownership and trading capabilities in their every day app usage. The lower the learning curve makes it easier for newbies to enter into the world of Cryptocurrency.

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4 months ago
