It saddens me to see how most Communities on the platform has turned into, with little or no moderating at all. Some of the Communities have been totally abandoned and non functional anymore, while others are left without any moderators to approve submission in there. Some of the Communities admin has gone AWOL leaving members frustrated in getting their articles approved into the Communities. Reason I believe for this outcome, is the total neglect moderators have been subjected to on the platform. No one remembers that there is anything called moderator anymore, all we care about is to submit our articles without bordering about the time and stress it to for approving it. I believe moderators deserve some kind of regards on the platform, and this essentially rest on the hands of each community members.
I have had the privilege of being a co-moderators on the largest community on this platform before I took a break from here last time. It amazed me to see how the community has turned into recently, with moderation in queue of over a month waiting with no one to attend to them. If the moderators have been getting any kind of support I don't think it will be as it is now.
How can moderators be supported
Obviously, the system doesn't have any way of supporting moderators at the moment, the team has tried some methods in the past and they all failed. Now it rest on the members of the various Communities to find a way to support and encourage their moderators. Though the team can still come up with something as may be suggested hereto.
Suggestive ways to support moderators.
1. Members of each community to follow their moderator.
This may sound odd but I believe is the easiest way we can support our various community moderators here on A moderator ought to have a good following to support his work on as an author. Remember moderators still write like everyone here. If a moderator have a large support from Community members for his work as an author, that will be a good compensation for his work as a moderator. I know someone will ask, how can members know their Community moderators, also wouldn't that be compromise?. I will start by saying there is nothing compromising in a member knowing their Community moderators. Already you know them, you are even following some right now. To find your community moderators is not difficult. On your community page you will see a box for moderators, there you can find them and follow them. Like this we can support our moderators without taking anything from our wallet.
2. There should be moderator's honor and award.
This is for the team. Moderators deserve some honor for their work, a good moderator should be recognized and honored openly on this platform with an award in moderating. Such an award should have value attached to it, to make it desirable and enticing. It could even have a monetary prize attached to it to make it convertible. With this kind of award and honor in sight, moderators will be more deligent in doing their duty. This idea is similar to what they do in Uptrend, moderators are given honorable status. This are only suggestions anyway, and I don't know if it will even get to be noticed since @Read.Cash is nolonger with us here.
I see a community which has more than 2000 members and members are increasing daily.But is has no Moderator.