Cryptocurrencies, can inksnation pinkion save Nigrerians from poverty.

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3 years ago

As the world is gradually pushing into an era of digital currencies, more and more types of cryptocurrencies are coming up everyday. This leaves nations and government in confusion on what to do to integrate cryptocurrencies into their financial system as medium to save their financial economic from crumbling due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. This bring us to the question can inksnation pinkion save Nigrerians from poverty?

What to know about inksnation pinkion?

The first thing to consider is the philosophical idea behind the creation of inksnation pinkion, and what gives the currency its value. The philosophical idea governing inksnation pinkion seems so simple that even a lay man can quickly understand it. Accessing the Inksnation website on, there are three major reasons for Nigrerians to vouch for pinkion as a means of poverty alleviation in this pandemic period.

1. Human assets.

Pinkion was created around human beings for human beings. What this means is that, you don't need to invest naira into it to earn it or increase its value. It is free for life and its increase depends on the numbers of humans on inksnation which seems to be increasing in numbers everyday.

2. Useability

If there is no where to use any currency such currency is as good as useless. The roadmap of Inksnation is to operate as a community or nation where individuals agree to buy and sell using pinkion. This idea seems to be a holistic one, an idea borne with a desire to free mankind from poverty. Inksnation pinkion is already in use within the inksnation Community. Merchants and retailers are being assembled in a community market within the conference of Inksnation. Members who wish to buy goods such as good stuff can simply go to his or her state inks market to buy some with pinko. Interestingly, no fee is required to make transactions for buying of goods and services between sellers and buyers. It's purely peer to peer. Payment transactions within inksnation Community is very secured and instant. All of these are free for life.

3. Expansivity.

Inksnation is an expansive Community which currently running over three millions of human nodes from across the nation.This figure is only a starting point as more and more people are joining the community everyday. It is calculated to reach 18 million humans or living nodes in the next few years. The launch of its merchants and markets accross the nation will see an exponential influx of more people before the end of this year. As at the time of writing this report, inksnation is expanding its users base to other countries such as Ghana and Swaziland etc.

What gives inksnation pinkion its value?

As against popular analytical explanation to the index about cryptocurrencies rise in value, inksnation pinkion derived its value from the people it was created for. As a human based cryptocurrency, its value is determined by the numbers of humans on the inks ledger. Every one person that join iksnation increases the pinkion value by a certain percentage. According to inksnation collective mass agreement CMA, every 180 persons that join the inks ledger increases the value of pinkion by $1. What this means is that pinkion will continue to increase in value as humans keep existing and increasing in population. This also means inksnation pinkion has its life span tied to humanity. Until the entire humanity cease to exist that's when inksnation pinkion also cease to exist.

So, can inksnation pinkion save Nigrerians from poverty given the financial downturn hanging on the economic situation of Nigreria?

Let's see how inksnation pinkion operate.

Inksnation pinkion is a decentralized entity, and can not be govern by centralized organization or central government.

A truly alternative method of value transfer, wherein there is no need for you to pay a dime or fees to make transaction for purchase of goods and services within the inksnation mall.

Pinkion can be easily accessed through different local exchangers both online and offline. Anyone who wish to make exchange can simply scan a QR code or exchange wallet address to exchange pinkion to naira.

Pinkion protocol is permissionless and very transparent, making it a lot more open than other cryptocurrencies transactions. Once a member have received it into his or her wallet, it is all yours to spend.

Several merchants and retails across the nation have already started accepting pinkion for payments. Anyone can find this on inksnation site for their state merchant group to know those that are close to their location.

Do you think iksnation pinkion can save Nigrerians from financial poverty? Make your choice now!

$ 2.22
$ 2.22 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago


Thanks my brother! Inksnation DAO is really a nice project to invest in. Not even investment in terms of money but it brings humanity to oneness and unity, equitable distribution of wealth and eradication of poverty. I'm an inks brother and so are you, I guess. Let's keep spreading it about, no matter the opposition. Thanks Sir. Inks! One global united family!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Most of these new coins have no sense and no chance. Some are scam like OneCoin.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yeah I heard about it from my friends nice article

$ 0.00
3 years ago