"A stitch in time save nine" A true experience

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3 years ago

Looking at the screen of my phone makes me remember the heading of this article, "A stitch in time save nine". This proverb applies to several situations. It means if one doesn't sew a small hole in a garment immediately, the hole will eventually take on the proportion of a big tear leading to a state of no repair. The implementation of the proverb in real life is that, it is better to deal with a problem immediately it appears rather than put it off for a later time when it will be harder to deal with.

Negligence on a little thing can result in big losses. Neglecting a small issue by pushing it to the back of the mind can bring more trouble than it would have been in the first time it appears. When you noticed a deflation on any of the tires on your vehicle, it's prudent to head to a place where you can fix it immediately before it stops you on the highway. What we failed to do today can bring on more trouble tomorrow and we may never do it again. Prevention they say is always better than cure. When we noticed a hole in our roof, it's wise to fix it as soon as possible rather than to ignore it until the rain comes. By then the tear would have become bigger and we might have suffered destruction of properties by the rain

Despite our understanding of this proverb, time and time again we failed to take needed actions with situations in our life where a little attention in the beginning could have meant the saving of a lot of time and money in the end. My experience has taught me not to ever push any issue that I can solve today to tomorrow for doing so is the same as inviting more trouble.

It seems funny to me that I have to change the screen of my seven days old new phone. A stitch in time indeed saves nine but I have lost my chances to save my nine, and now I must take the rope. I bought a new phone, Infinix Hot6 exactly seven days as at the time of writing this article. Four days later, while charging the phone on a wall socket, I placed it on the socket handle. Soon a call came in and due to the vibration the phone fell face down from the socket handle and a part of the face at the left corner got a crack. I was told I needed to change the screen touch glass. Being a busy person, I set it aside to a day I will be less busy to have it repaired, but guess what? Again I left the phone on the charger and went out for my early morning routine. My little child went to unplug the phone and start playing with it and it fell from his hands face down and the phone screen was harmed. Now I will have to replace the screen with $30 instead of just $2 for the screen touch if I have fixed it immediately at the first time.

My new phone broken screen

Some of us may have experienced something similar to mine, if we have done the right thing immediately at the first time of sighting a problem we would have saved ourselves of some additional cost be it time or money. I will be spending $30 to fix a problem that $2 would have solved have I acted immediately after the problem started. Now I must spend my nine because I failed to stitch in time. And more so I will also lose more time going from shop to shop in search of the phone screen to buy. A lesson learned the hard way.

A stitch in time saves nine applies to everybody and almost everything in our lives. Procrastination is the thief of time’, so we must make sure to make a timely stitch which will prevent us from having to make several later.

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$ 0.30 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
