As the coronavirus pandemic keep surging on, our doctors and nurses are in the forefront like an army battling the dreaded covid-19 to keep us all safe and alive. All they need from us is prayers. Can i get your signatory to this prayer?
Compassionate God,
From the shores of the river Jordan to the steps of the Temple Mount,
you have cared for the well-being of your people.
Your healing teaches us your compassion for our frailty.
Thank you for caring for us no matter our status in this world.
We ask your blessing on those who emulate you
as they provide the ministry of healing to all those in need.
Guide, bless, and encourage your faithful health care servants
who willingly jeopardize their own, and their family’s,
health and safety to confront sickness and disease.
Enable them to relieve suffering and assist in the healing process.
Lord, you loved us enough to walk in our midst
on a disease-filled Earth.
Even now, abide in with us
and surround all engaged in the healing sciences and arts.
Bless them as they labor for you in stressful,
anxious, and sometimes threatening settings.
Keep them close in your loving embrace.
Guide researchers as they seek greater understanding of your universe
and develop vaccines and treatments which will reduce suffering and death.
Enable suppliers who ensure materials and equipment are available as needed using creativity as they sometimes seek to do more with less.
Encourage the families of health care workers
as they support them in their call, knowing that through their loved ones, lives
are saved and your tenderness is known.
Provide your health care servants rest
during wearisome hours of constant demand.
Dispense comfort in moments of loss or setback.
Grant peace that goes beyond human understanding.
In our present surroundings which tempt us to despair,
may we all come together as part of your global community
and embrace the love of Christ for all precious souls.
Help us overcome our fears
and unite across all borders of every type to share,
manufacture, support and supply knowledge, equipment, and resources.
Your kingdom is a place of plenty.
Let us live in your abundance knowing you provide enough for all.
In your mercy Lord, grant health.
Bless those you have called to be your hands and feet in healing and the provision of care.
May they always know how thankful we are for their gifts, service, and sacrifice.
Hear our prayer, O Lord, in Jesus name. Amen.
Amen. The Lord in his mercy will always protect all our health workers in Jesus name. No evil shall befall them.