I am writing this article to all moderators in read.cash communities, am using this medium to appreciate your efforts for being up and doing in having articles approved on your various communities. You have done well in these few days to give us something to read and engaged ourselves in the various communities.
However, i have some few questions to ask us. How are we doing the moderators's job? Are we only doing it to get the points? How do you check for content originality? Do you have the time to Google each content submitted on your community to check for plagiarism and copy pasting? Are we checking for author's style of writing? Do we have the time to check comment thread to see if authors really knows about thier articles? These and many other questions beg for answers.
As moderators, read.cash has given us the total control of the platform, it can only be good if we use this power well. Remember there is a 20% for first approved, this is a sort of compentition to me that in my thinking may not allow us to do the needful as a moderator in our various communities. Who doesn't want the reward?
We need to be sincere with ourselves and do antispam on ourselves. Not until we are able to check ourselves of spam we cannot be able to catch another spammer. For now, we have been given job with a portfolio and an authority to carry out that job without interference from read.cash. what we give this platform is what this platform will take. Therefore let us give our best to read.cash and also to our various communities.
Until read.cash make available to moderators the OC detector it will be a hefty tasks checking for content originality. However we can do our best until then.
Happy moderating to all of us.
I would not say communities are in control. They are a part of the control here but so is each member. If you do not care about what you write, are too lazy to write an article and think a Tweet will do, if you do not edit or are willing to use Grammarly, start a community to accept your own content and have more than one account and add every account it's posted with your account automatically...
I am sure you know what I mean. It takes me the biggest part of my day and night to check and read. Not only if it comes to plagiarism but the communities I moderate stand for more. We like to see the quality, not quantity. We like to tell the author why approved or rejected, which makes an article or it better. I doubt most communities do that and invest as many hours as we do.
It's fine with me we are rarely the first community adding something. It does make me wonder because we work on it nearly 24/7 with two at least. 👍💕