Success requires willpower and hard work with talent

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3 years ago

People have changed a lot now. However, the unity of thought and consciousness is rarely seen. For example, we are not all immersed in cell phones 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Statistics show that only one in five teenagers and young adults cannot sleep at night without this device. We are not all rich, but at the present time we are members of the richest generation in the history of the world. Think about how much more privileged we are than the people of the past. We have internet, we have iPhone. While many things in the world have changed now, some things are still the same. From the university you have gained practical knowledge about mental skills, mathematical reasoning, problem solving techniques, communication skills, teamwork; But it is extraordinary.Thirty years ago these were theoretical or theoretical which is the source of success. Yet people need these real skills to be successful. But you know and understand these theories better than I do. Because in the past these theoretical qualities used to pave the way for success. And now people start their careers with these real knowledge and skills. Because of the internet you can know everything in advance. But even then the knowledge and skills of real work over time make people experienced. There is no substitute for concentration to make yourself more efficient than others. We have achieved a lot in life since the convocation. Here are some principles of success in the light of our education and career experience.

One. Hard work is the mother of good fortune. Fortunately, no human being is born on earth. His destiny is to build through action. Hard work brings good luck. The combination of effort, effort and labor is the key to good luck. Hard work also becomes easier through hard work. There is no substitute for hard work to improve life. No one has ever been able to shape his destiny without hard work. The harder a nation is, the more developed it is. Once you start, don't hesitate. Do it with an indomitable desire to succeed and work hard. In my experience, there are many talented people in all walks of life, including school, workplace, career and sports. But remember, success is not achieved by talent alone. Success with talent requires patience, strong will and hard work.

Two. Understand your work. What you need to do, how to do it - first find out, understand. Then you can do it easily. In all professions, being beautiful, tidy and tidy is considered as an added quality.

Three. Be fully aware of your responsibilities. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. You can't succeed if you work with floating ideas. Allah the Almighty declares ‘O Prophet! You say, can those who know and those who do not know be equal? ​​’No, in no case can they be equal. So you have to excel or join the ranks of the best in the profession with knowledge of general knowledge and basic ideals. No matter what profession you are in, you need to have a good idea about that profession.

Four. You always have to be ready to work. Need to create work routine. Make a list of priorities for what you do, when, and how you do it. Collaboration, networking and communication create new ideas, new approaches, new opportunities. However, the network must be honest and purposeful.

Five. Organize yourself as much as you can. This will make your work environment beautiful, will increase the desire to work. Choose one or two areas at the beginning of the year that you need to pay special attention to throughout the year.

Six. Stay active from the start. Proper planning and phased implementation is required for the desired improvement in any profession. That's why you need to be alert and active from the beginning of the year. Professional life is an integral part of our daily lives. So think about your workplace every day, try to overcome your negative habits, prepare yourself, strengthen the professional network.

Seven. Get things done right and at the right time. The prerequisite for success is to do the right thing at the right time. Arrange your tasks in order of importance. Make a list of tasks each morning, then complete in order of importance. Make a chart according to how long each task may take. Learn to work on deadlines and get things done. Because if you don't have a timeline or deadline for your work, you can never get it done on time. Finish the work in order. You will see that all your work has been completed on time.

Eight. You need to be present at work on time. All offices may not have their own transportation system. In this case, you have to get out of the house with some time in hand. Even if you have your own car, you must be aware of the traffic jams on the road. Arrive at the office after the specified time and say the excuse of traffic jam for a few days. Often being late in the office will ruin your image and it will tarnish your image in the office. Attend all work and meetings on time. However, you should leave the office as soon as you have completed the emergency work, and should not be left in a half-finished or unfinished state.

No. Concentrate on fulfilling your responsibilities. The key to success in your career is to be able to finish your job successfully. The organization always wants the expected work from an employee. In that case you have to fulfill your duties and responsibilities properly. Work must be completed on time. The work of others cannot be disturbed. Must stay away from work that is against the interests of the organization. If there is any problem while going to work, you have to talk to someone suitable without keeping it in yourself. If you can speed up the work, your reputation will spread.

Ten. Creativity is one of the most basic qualities for you. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. Due to various laws and regulations of the state to deal with internal and external conspiracies in the advantages and disadvantages of the organization, you have to adopt new types of programs and action plans. Many times the method of action has to be changed. At lightning speed, many decisions have to be made in unintended and unforeseen circumstances. So if you are not creative minded, the organization will be severely damaged.

Eleven. Honesty is a great quality for success. There is no benefit in being dishonest. Even if you acquire huge wealth in a wicked way, you will not be able to enjoy it in your lifetime. Your successors will enjoy the wealth you have acquired after your death. But they will not take responsibility for your sins. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) once asked the Companions present at a meeting, 'Are there any of you who work for the next wealth?' He said, 'The food you eat and digest, the clothes you wear and tear, and the wealth you spend in your lifetime (according to the rules of Islam) is your own wealth.'

Twelve. Make friends. Remember, success never comes alone. But you can never do anything big alone. Success is the collective result of teamwork. You are the next team leader. To lead, you need to gain respect and credibility from other people. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. People will sympathize with you only when you are sympathetic to them. Gradually you will have to mix with many people with the necessary work of life, increase the number of friends.

Thirteen. Do something for others. In this age of modern science and innovative technology, we have many opportunities ahead of us. It is possible to do great things by using this opportunity. But never forget to do one thing first. Always do something good for others with your own talent. Cooperate with each other without compromising your work, then you will be more successful. Good results are obtained by working in mutual cooperation. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: The best of you is the one who benefits people. He also said, "Be kind to the people of the earth, but the people of heaven will be kind to you."

Fourteen. Take things in stride and try not focus too much on the problem. If the work is too stressful, forget everything and sit quietly for 5 minutes, take a little walk. Reducing work stress is not a one-day exercise. Keep rehearsing it until you can say it with conviction and confidence.

Fifteen. You have to have honest courage to face any obstacle. Wherever you see a problem at home or in the office, you will face it. Deal with problems identified with your talents and abilities. The more you avoid the problem, the bigger the problem will become.

Sixteen. Success in any endeavor cannot be expected without self-confidence. It is said that starting with confidence means doing half the work. Confidence means knowing oneself, having confidence in one's own creativity, overcoming inferiority, working with confidence and determination in daily and daily life. Trust your friends, family and yourself. Always keep your friends and family close. Family and friends can't wait to see how important it is. They can complete your journey. Celebrate good times with them. And seek advice from family and friends during difficult times. Trust your own beliefs.

Seventeen. Setting up a new organization is not an easy task. Any entrepreneur goes ahead with a strong mentality of working even in difficult times and sometimes he does big things. Those who are serious are ready to do whatever they want. One thing they go through step by step, they never go to do everything together and create trouble. You just have to be more discriminating with the help you render toward other people. If you manage the work of the organization with sincerity, the work progresses. As a result the organization benefits. So you need to be sincere.

Twenty. Many feel comfortable working alone and solving problems. But in the modern office management system of the changing world, the success of the work done through teamwork has been evaluated first and foremost. As a result, make yourself fit to work through teamwork.

Twenty-one. If you don't know how to use computer and internet, learn it. Because the current world is the world of computers. So you must know how to use computer and internet. If you don't know computer at the present time, you can't be called educated. It sounds bad, but it's true. Again, this does not mean that you should be computer literate. IT skills mean writing a letter or a document using a computer, you need to know how to print it neatly.

You are the most innovative and hopeful generation in the history of the world. There are various aspects of social change in the palm of your hand now. Society changes now with your little thoughts. Seize the opportunity that will come in front of you. Do whatever you get a chance to do at the beginning of your career.

All new experiences will develop your skills, change attitudes. Love any work. Enjoy the work. Experience will determine the pace of your success. Concentrate on setting goals for life. Work hard and you will succeed. Success requires willpower, concentration and hard work.

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3 years ago


Nice article broo

$ 0.00
3 years ago

This is what I called a very good information

$ 0.00
3 years ago

you can know everything in advance. But even then the knowledge and skills of real work over time make people experienced. There is no substitute for concentration to make yourself more efficient than others. We have achieved a lot in life since the convocation. Here are some principles of success in the light of our education and career experience

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for your article! Keep it up

$ 0.00
3 years ago


$ 0.00
3 years ago

For the success in life we need hard work. Talent needed for success. But hard work is mostly important

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You are the most innovative and hopeful generation in the history of the world. There are various aspects of social change in the palm of your hand now. Society changes now with your little thoughts. Seize the opportunity that will come in front of you. Do whatever you get a chance to do at the beginning of your career.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Succes is human beings of the life. Every people Most important to the success in the life. Education go ahead to the success.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Every human being has e talents. But the one who works achieves success, and the one who does not work fails. Nice article, go ahead.....

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3 years ago