Don't Delay Your Repentance

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Avatar for Ferabel
3 years ago

Act before it's too late


Tomorrow might never come.

Many people have said "tomorrow" and have died that same night.


Allah ﷻ says in the Qur'an:

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَتَّبِعُوا خُطُوَاتِ الشَّيْطَانِ

Oh you who Believe! Do not follow the footsteps of Shaytaan!


According to the Mufasireen, Footsteps are referring to the sins of a person.

And to apply it here, 

when a person says tomorrow and I will, I will. 

This is when Shaytaan increases his Waswasa, in order to take this person who is entering the straight path, offroad! 

They'll say Tomorrow I'll repent, and then the same day they'll sin and sin and when tomorrow comes, they'll feel too guilt to repent or they would enjoy there sins to the extent they would forget to repent.

So stop delaying your repentance...

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Thanks dear

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3 years ago

Repent today

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3 years ago

Tomorrow might be too late for a change, always act now when you still can

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3 years ago

Absolutely good

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3 years ago

Tomorrow might be late always repent for you don't know when it will be late.

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3 years ago

No one Knows tomorrow, tomorrow might be too late.. delay is bad.. repent today

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3 years ago

Yes repent onto Allah

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3 years ago

Always spend your day like it will be your last.

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3 years ago