Can anybody help me?

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Hello everyone, have a good day to all of you. Today I have a serious question, I hope there is someone who can give me an appropriate answer to this.

Can I still withdraw my wallet's balance if my acc wallet address been changed?

So I've been inactive for 2 months because of some important matters. When I get back to rc, my balance suddenly disappear in my wallet. Without knowing, due to long inactivity my wallet suddenly change too when I log in my acc here rc.

Here's the photo of my balance.

That $1.11

I already emailed about this and I'm still waiting for their reply.

I decided to post this here because maybe there's someone who encountered the same problem and know to how get the remaining balance to the other wallet.

If you know something about this, just comment below so I'll get notified.

Thank you and God bless y'all!

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Bkit ang dami mong wallet.??. As long alam mo seed phrases lahat ng wallet mawiwithdraw mo lhat yan.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Iisang seedprhase lang po gamit ko, then and now. Nag chachange ako ng wallet nong may points system pa. Wala naman ako ginawa na bagong seedphrase

$ 0.00
3 years ago

No po,, basta bago na yun wallet mo.. Di mo po ba tanda yun seedword mo?

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Isang seed phrase lang po yan lahat ng wallet na anjan peru pagka log in ko kanina biglang nag change ung wallet ko. Yung dating seed phrase lang ginamit ko. Wala ng iba

$ 0.00
3 years ago