The main question?

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3 years ago

Do pregnancies or children ruin your sex life? Well, the answer isn’t as simple as a yes or no. We’ve all had the “near misses” where little Junior opens the door your hubby forgot to lock in the throes of passion. An immediate prayer is sent up to whatever deity you believe in that he didn’t see anything as you grab for your bra or the blanket.

We have all been there!

That begs the question: How do you maintain your intimacy when little tikes are running around?

1. Kids sleep in their own beds.

I know! I know! But don’t @ me. How are you supposed to get your freak on when an 8-year-old is splayed out snoring in the middle of your bed? Unless it’s exigent circumstances, like breastfeeding or a sick child, then little Madison needs to sleep in her own bed. Make them want to sleep on their own. Who needs Mom and Dad’s ergonomic mattress topper when they have their very own unicorn sheets? (Hell, I’m 34 and want unicorn sheets, but I digress.)

2. Send the kids off to Grandma.

“Send my kids off to their grandparents? What’ll people think?!” Normal people will think grandparents need time with their grandkids and a couple occasionally need a night alone. No grandparents or they live farther away? Hire a trusted overnight babysitter and have a night on the town! Take a staycation and enjoy the minibar.

3. Hang up the Uber hat.

Our kids are cute as can be in their soccer uniforms or karate gear, but don’t become their Uber driver. If you’re scheduled with after-school activities until 7-8 p.m., there’s precious little time to spend with your significant other. Being a parent is one of the most rewarding things we can do, but we need to keep the romance alive. Superdad and Supermom can take a break. It’s okay, I promise.

4. Be on the same page.

You’ve set aside a special night for McLovin’ and you’re all set to put the kids to bed when, suddenly, little Olivia has decided she needs another tuck in, three glasses of water, and another story, and she can’t find her stuffed giraffe from two years ago. Mommy said it was time for bed, and Dad needs to agree. Being on the same page from everything to permission to bedtime ensures a smoother household for everyone, thus ensuring no one is climbing into bed at inopportune times.

5. Make date night a priority.

COVID-19 can make date nights tricky. When the world plunges back into normalcy, set aside special time to get dressed up and go out and remember the reasons you fell in love before spit-up and teenage attitude. For now, a weekly movie night sans kids can easily be a great chance to cuddle and reconnect.

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3 years ago
