If you hate the person then you're defeated by them

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2 years ago

Hello my read cash family, I hope all of you are in a good situation right now, and I hope all of you are doing good, here in my place is very hot, even though we are finished taking a bath but still, it's very hot, but we should be thankful because our Almighty God give us a chance to live this Deceitful world, even we are facing and struggling every single day of our life, but still we should thankful for it,

Hmm, so stop this long explanation and shall we go back to our mean topic, if you hate the person then you're defeated by them, yes this morning I felt angry because I washed our clothes Tru washing machine, and suddenly our electricity disappeared because of some reason, but I wonder why our neighbor has electricity, and I'm asking my mother what happened? And my mother told me she doesn't know what goes around, but my brother told us about our neighborhood they harvest their coconut, and suddenly our electricity was accidentally destroyed because of the coconut, but my mother told them it's okay and we can call for the help in VECO but the wife of our neighbor is yelling (Bakit daw Kasi nasa gilid ng lupa nila nilagay ang poste ng aming kuyente) that's why I'm angry not because of our electricity but because they yelling and the same time they are arrogant at all (kahit kasalanan pah Nila sila pah ang Galit)

A strong person does not seek revenge they move on and let karma do the Dirty work, yes I agree with this quote, yes we feel angry or hateful toward those people who are disgusted but don't let your anger ruin your day,


Anger is normal for us, but don't let your anger ruin everything just for the people who do not deserve your attention, just ignore them, and I told my mother or even my whole family to stay away from them because they are not good, even if there own siblings told us that they don't like them because of their attitude or character, so we decided to stay away so that we have peace in our mind.

Final thought:

For me, we should choose the people to surround us, because not everyone is true, give love to those people who are deserving, and trust few, everything is real but not everyone is true, that's why choose wisely the people who can truly deserve the word TRUST.

So that's it for today guys, see you all in my next article, thank you all for dropping by, God Bless everyone.

12th article
September 03, 2022
Philippine time:14:30pm
Written by:Fayt

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