When I am dead my dearest.. Poem.

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3 years ago

When i'm dead my dearest is a very interesting Sad poem... It's based on true love... And one of my favorite poem.. 

In the principal verse the speaker asks her cherished that when she passes on, he doesn't sing any miserable tunes for her, or put blossoms or plant a tree on her grave. The grass on her grave, showered by downpour and morning dew, will be sufficient – and on the off chance that he recollects her, that is fine, yet on the off chance that he overlooks her, so be it. 

In the subsequent verse, the speaker clarifies why she isn't complained about what her darling does to recall her after she has kicked the bucket: she won't be there to see the shadows or feel the downpour, or hear the songbird singing; after death, she will be 'dreaming', and resting, through an interminable 'dusk', and she may recollect him, yet she may not.

Image source.... https://ihelptostudy.com/when-i-am-dead-my-dearest-summary-writing.html

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