The permanent home office will be staffed by Microsoft employees

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3 years ago

If you don't feel safe going back to the office, Microsoft employees can work permanently from home with the permission of the manager if any employee wants.

The company has recently informed the employees about this. Microsoft is thought to have taken such an initiative following US tech giant Facebook and Twitter.

Under new guidelines, Microsoft will allow less than 50 percent of employees to work remotely. Kathin Hogan, Microsoft's head of human resource management, said new instructions had been sent to managers on Sunday.

The guidelines give employees the opportunity to work from home half the time of their work. For those managers who want to work more than half of the working hours, this opportunity has been considered. There are benefits to working part-time.

And employees will be able to do a full home office with approval from their managers. You can even change its position. However, in that case the salaries of the employees will be adjusted on the basis of geographical location.

A spokesman for the company said a guideline had been shared this week with staff to keep home office facilities open until the situation was completely safe. The goal is to develop the way employees work over time. This will support the individuality of each employee's input and data work according to the company's culture and business needs.

Microsoft has referred to this new policy as a 'hybrid model'. It's not like the model that Twitter has launched. But close to Facebook's recent remote work policy.

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