Let me tell you some "Facts about the Universe"

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2 years ago

Friends, our topic today is about the universe. As soon as we hear the name of the universe, curious questions arise in our minds because there are so many wonderful things in the universe that are enough to amaze our minds. You know that the universe is expanding, but did you know that there is not a single thing in our universe that is not in motion? There is no medium for sound travel, so you can't hear any sound there.

People are two inches taller than the Earth in space due to lack of gravity in space. The backbone of the Astrounauts in space is straightened by two inches. That is, millions of years from now our future generations will not be able to see the moon. The number of stars in the universe is innumerable. You must know that you can never count the stars because as long as you Count their number would have doubled in such a short time.

The footprints of human beings on the moon will remain the same for the next ten billion years because ten billion years from now a huge tornado will hit the moon. The sun is so big from our earth that if the sun is equal to a football The size of the Earth would be just the size of a pea. Man came to Earth about 5 million years ago today, but our solar system is 400 million years old before the arrival of man. Mount Everest is the highest point on our planet. There is a mountain, but there are three more sins on the mountain mars known as Olympys Mons.


According to an estimate, the weight of the sun is 330,000 times more than that of the earth. The day lasts 24 hours, the same 24 hours 39 minutes and 25 seconds on Mars and one year 687 days on the honorable day. The moon is two and a half meters 3474 kilometers. We humans know more about space than the depths of the oceans. The International Space Station is the largest and most expensive man-made thing in space. The International Space Station orbits the earth sixteen times every hour, ie the sun rises every 92 minutes.

In 2016, scientists received a signal from space about five billion light-years from space, meaning that at the time the signal was sent, our earth was non-existent. Iron falls. You can't go to space and write with a pin because there is no gravity. Jupiter attracts most astronauts to our Earth. Rotating at the speed of an hour According to scientists, there are 500 planets like our Earth which can be helpful for the survival of life.


Our Galaxy Milky Way has its own distinct taste and aroma. It smells like alcohol while its taste is similar to that of strawberry. Welding is not required to join two identical metals in space. The sky is blue when you look at it from the earth while the real color of the sky is black.

After going into space, human bones will get thicker and eyes will get bigger. Space was first seen by Galileo four hundred years ago today. A space suit costs 12 million. If you go into space without a space suit, you will die from an explosion of the body before you can breathe. Germs spread and grow in space more than the earth. The witness of our universe is such a thing.

Lead image is taken from pixabay and re-editted.

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2 years ago
