Types of brain waves

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3 years ago

Brain waves govern human behavior and emotional state. Therefore, those who know what the frequencies of brain waves are and meditation practitioners are able to make the most of their mental faculties and control their emotions. Learn how a person can control his life by knowing the types of brain waves and the mechanism of their activation.

How are brain waves formed?

Brain waves consist of synchronized electrical impulses produced by groups of neurons in the brain when connected to each other, as the connections of neurons in the brain produce all of the human thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

Brain waves are measured using special sensors attached to the scalp. They are classified according to groups according to their nature, mechanism of formation and work.

Brain waves change according to what a person is doing, affecting how he feels. When slow waves dominate the brain, the person feels lethargic or tired and may enter the dreaming stage, while the faster waves make him feel alert and ready. These waves can be likened to a symphony of music, ranging from high to low, playing with great harmony.

The effect of brain waves on the human being

Brain waves influence how we perceive the world and the reality of our experiences. The brain governs our perception, and senses every thought or emotion that passes through our being. It also governs our ability to focus, emotional balance, central control and immunity. Therefore, focusing on the way the brain works and understanding its mechanism ensures the expansion of the human mental and cognitive capabilities.

The lack of harmony in the mechanism of the brain’s work also affects a person’s life greatly, such as working according to certain brain waves all the time. Its effect is evident through brain disorders, behavior, pain, physical ailments, and other types of disorders. However, changing the perspective of life and adopting some healthy practices such as yoga and meditation may succeed in controlling the brain and curing these disorders.

The following description is a general description of the types of brain waves, how they are activated, and what they work. Brain waves are more complex from a scientific point of view, as their effect varies in different places of origin in the brain. Where brain waves are measured in Hertz (revolutions per second), and are classified according to their speed from slow to medium and fast, as follows:

Sub-low waves (INFRA-LOW)

With frequencies of less than 0.5 Hz, this wave is the slowest and carries signals essential for brain function. It is really strange that science has not learned much about this wave frequency, as its slow nature makes it difficult to capture and measure it.

To date, few scientific studies have been conducted on these brain waves, and it has been demonstrated that they are responsible for the timing of the brain and its communication functions.

Delta waves (delta)

Delta brain waves are slow and loud waves, meaning they are slow with reverberation, but deep, like the sound of a drum. Delta waves are formed in times of deep meditation and in the stages of dreamless sleep, with a frequency of 0.5-3 Hz, and they are the predominant brain waves of infants up to the age of one year.

A person's consciousness is separated from the external environment when these waves travel, and during them healing and cell regeneration takes place in the body. This is what makes sleep essential to maintain health and cure disease.

THETA waves

Theta waves are often formed during sleep and in meditation states, and have a frequency of 3 to 8 Hz. Theta waves are important for learning, memory, and intuition, as the senses return to focus inward and pick up signals from there.

Theta waves can be sensed in those moments before sleep, during waking, or even during daydreams. In these moments it is difficult to distinguish reality from dream, and this may be accompanied by seeing images and occurring intuition or experiencing experiences that go beyond natural consciousness. Theta waves can also be stimulated when meditating and worshiping, or even when performing automatic tasks such as brushing and bathing.

Access to theta waves is important in some meditation techniques (such as theta therapy). When these brain waves are reached, it is possible to perceive fears and recall events related to childhood or a traumatic past that led to the imprint or the formation of a crippling belief. As the theta waves are predominant in the minds of children up to the age of 13 years, allowing ideas and beliefs to be implanted automatically and without resistance or analysis.

Alpha waves (ALPHA)

Alpha waves dominate the brain when thoughts flow, in some stages of meditation, and when conscious breathing is performed, and they can be felt when living in the moment (a feeling of here and now). It is also commonly formed when doing yoga, before bed, and when engaging in creative activities.

Alpha brain waves have a frequency of 8- 12 Hz, and they are also at rest in the brain. It supports the brain’s task in organizing and processes that require mental-physical harmony and calm accompanied by wakefulness. These brain waves are also predominant in adults who are relaxed, calm and in good mood, and when not engaged in information analysis.

Beta waves (beta)

Beta waves control the functioning of the brain during most of its conscious awareness, that is, when the focus is on cognitive tasks and the outside world. These waves are formed when a person is alert and engaged in problem-solving, decision-making, and other brain activities that require judgment, focus and dialogue. The brain also works according to it when anxiety or even excitement, and it controls the mind when the conscious ability to control and control thoughts when internal speaking is lost.

Beta waves are fast, with a frequency between 12 and 38 Hz. Therefore, it is unhealthy for a person to intentionally use it for a long period of the day, as the brain's operation at high frequencies for a long time consumes a lot of energy.

Gamma waves (gamma)

Gamma waves are the fastest and highest frequency waves, with a frequency exceeding 38Hz. The brain needs to act on it when processing information in different areas of the brain simultaneously. The brain needs quietness to reach these frequencies, and when accessed information is processed quickly and quietly.

Despite multiple studies, scientists are still confused about the ability of the brain's neurons to generate these frequencies. Scientists see that these waves change the level of perception and awareness, and that living according to them leads to an expansion of consciousness and the experience of spiritual experiences. Scientists have also found that these waves are activated when practicing virtues and living unconditional love, and untrained people experience them only for limited periods.

Ways to control brain waves

Different brain waves may work at the same time, but the person can control the waves that control his mind. The thoughts, feelings and activities that a person chooses to focus on are what determine this. Therefore, a person can take simple steps to select the waves that benefit him at all times and according to what the situation requires, such as:

  • Meditation: The benefits of meditation are many, the most important of which is putting the brain at rest and making it work on the alpha wave. However, the greatest benefit of meditation is achieved through continuous practice of it. Where a person can have more control over the type of waves that the mind works on and move from one wave to another according to his will.

  • Listening to music: The predominant frequencies of a piece of music affect brain waves. Therefore, it is important to be careful when selecting types of music as they have an effect on brain activities.

  • Respiration: Conscious breathing affects the activities of the brain. Controlling the speed and depth of breathing are able to alter the frequencies of the brain waves.

Observing the frequencies of the brain waves that dominate a person's mind is very important in determining if they are overtaxing their mind in an unhealthy way. A person must make use of the sciences that research the mechanism of the brain’s work to achieve the maximum benefit from his mental capabilities.

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3 years ago
